When the vehicle is started, Stability control comes onautomatically in the Stability Touring Mode.• To change from Stability Touring Mode to StabilityCompetitive Mode, press the TC button twice quicklyand the STABILITY COMPETITIVE MODE messageis displayed on the DIC. Enhanced StabiliTrak mustbe in Stability Touring Mode with TCS on beforechanging to Stability Competitive Mode.• To change from Stability Touring Mode to StabilityOff Mode, press and hold the TC button until theSTABILITY SYS OFF message is displayedon the DIC.• To change from Stability Competitive Mode toStability Touring Mode, press and release theTC button and the STABILITY TOURING MODEmessage will be displayed on the DIC.• To change from Stability Competitive Mode toStability Off Mode, press and hold the TC button untilthe STABILITY SYS OFF message is displayed onthe DIC. The DIC will briefly display the STABILITYTOURING MODE message prior to displaying theSTABILITY SYS OFF message.• To change from Stability Off Mode to StabilityTouring Mode, press and release the TC button andthe STABILITY TOURING MODE message will bedisplayed on the DIC.• To change from Stability Off Mode to StabilityCompetitive Mode, press and release the TC buttonto enter Stability Touring Mode. Press the TC buttontwice quickly and STABILITY COMPETITIVE MODEdisplays on the DIC• To turn traction control off while in the StabilityTouring Mode, press and release the TC button andthe traction control system warning light will come on.See Traction Control System (TCS) on page 4-10.• To turn traction control on while in the StabilityTouring Mode, press and release the TC button andthe traction control system warning light will turn off.4-9