Do not use the remote start feature if your vehicle is lowon fuel. Your vehicle may run out of fuel.The remote start feature provides two separate starts,each with 10 minutes of engine running. If you pressthe lock button and then hold the remote start buttonon the keyless access transmitter again for at leastthree seconds before the first 10 minutes of enginerunning time has expired, 10 minutes is added to theremaining minutes. For example, if the remote start isinitiated again after five minutes of the engine run time,10 minutes is added and you now have 15 minutes withthe engine running. Once two remote starts or 20 minutesof the engine running have been provided, the vehiclemust be started using the keyless access with pushbuttonstart feature, if the engine needs to be restarted. SeeStarting the Engine on page 2-27 for more informationregarding the keyless ignition.The remote start feature will not operate if any of thefollowing occur:• The check engine light is displayed. See “CheckEngine Light” under Malfunction Indicator Lampon page 3-66.• The valet lockout switch is on.• The keyless access transmitter is in the vehicle.• The vehicle’s hood is open.• The vehicle personalization feature is not enabled.• An unauthorized vehicle entry or a vehicle theftwas attempted.If your vehicle has the remote start feature, the keylessaccess transmitter functions will have an increasedrange of operation. However, the range may beless while the vehicle is running.There are other conditions which can affect theperformance of the transmitter, see Keyless AccessSystem on page 2-4.2-12