MILES RANGE (km RANGE)This display shows the approximate number ofremaining miles (mi) or kilometers (km) you can drivewithout refilling the fuel tank. This estimate is basedon the current driving conditions and will change if thedriving conditions change. For example, if you are drivingin traffic making frequent stops, the display may read onenumber, but if you enter the freeway, the number maychange even though you still have the same amount offuel in the fuel tank. This is because different drivingconditions produce different fuel economies. Generally,freeway driving produces better fuel economy than citydriving.Once the range drops below about 40 miles (64 km)remaining, the display will show LOW RANGE.If your vehicle is low on fuel, the Fuel Level Lowmessage will be displayed. See “Fuel Level Low”under DIC Warnings and Messages on page 3-79for more information.MPG AVG (L/100 km AVG)This display shows the approximate average miles pergallon (mpg) or liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km).This number is calculated based on the number ofmpg (L/100 km) recorded since the last time this displaywas reset. To reset MPG AVG, press the reset button.The display will return to zero.MPG INST (L/100 km INST)This display shows the current fuel economy. Thisnumber reflects only the fuel economy that the vehiclehas right now and will change frequently as drivingconditions change. Unlike average fuel economy, thisdisplay cannot be reset.GAL FUEL USED (L FUEL USED)This display shows the number of gallons (gal) orliters (L) of fuel used since the last reset of this display.To reset GAL FUEL USED, press the reset button.The display will return to zero.AVG MPH (AVG km/h)This display shows the average speed of the vehiclein miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (km/h).This average is calculated based on the various vehiclespeeds recorded since the last reset of this display.To reset AVG MPH, press the reset button. The displaywill return to zero.HUD Speed Advisor ON/OFF(On Vehicles with HUD)If the vehicle has HUD, you can choose to have theSpeed Limit/Speed Advisory display appear in the HUD.The DIC will toggle between ON and OFF. Press thereset button to make your selection. See Head-UpDisplay (HUD) on page 3-43 for more information.3-75