Instruments and Controls 5-25Instantaneous EconomyIf your vehicle has this display,press the trip/fuel button until INSTECON displays. This display showsthe current fuel economy at aparticular moment and will changefrequently as driving conditionschange. This display shows theinstantaneous fuel economy in litersper 100 kilometers (L/100 km) ormiles per gallon (mpg). Unlikeaverage economy, this screencannot be reset.The display may also show if thevehicle is currently in V4, V6 orV8 mode. See Active FuelManagement ® on page 9‑27 formore information.Average Vehicle SpeedPress the trip/fuel button untilAVERAGE SPEED displays. Thisdisplay shows the average speed inkilometers per hour (km/h) or milesper hour (MPH).Blank DisplayThis display shows no information.Vehicle Information MenuItemsT (Vehicle Information): Pressto scroll through the following menuitems:Oil LifePress the vehicle information buttonuntil OIL LIFE REMAININGdisplays. This display shows anestimate of the oil's remaining usefullife. If you see 99% OIL LIFEREMAINING on the display, thatmeans 99% of the current oil liferemains. The engine oil life systemwill alert you to change the oil on aschedule consistent with yourdriving conditions.When the remaining oil life is low,the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONmessage will appear on the display.See “CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON”under Engine Oil Messages onpage 5‑29. You should change theoil as soon as you can. See EngineOil on page 10‑6. In addition to theengine oil life system monitoring theoil life, additional maintenance isrecommended in the MaintenanceSchedule in this manual. SeeMaintenance Schedule onpage 11‑3 for more information.Remember, you must reset the OILLIFE display yourself after each oilchange. It will not reset itself. Also,be careful not to reset the OIL LIFEdisplay accidentally at any timeother than when the oil has justbeen changed. It cannot be resetaccurately until the next oil change.To reset the engine oil life system,see Engine Oil Life System onpage 10‑9.UnitsPress the vehicle information buttonuntil UNITS displays. This displayallows you to select between metricor English units of measurement.Once in this display, press the set/reset button to select betweenMETRIC or ENGLISH units. All ofthe vehicle information will then bedisplayed in the unit ofmeasurement selected.