7-26 Infotainment System. Bit rates supported: 32, 40, 48,56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160,192, 224, 256, and 320 kbps.. ID3 tag information is displayedby the radio if it is available. Theradio supports ID3 taginformation v1.0, v1.1, or v2.0.The radio will display a filename,song name, artist name, albumname, and directory name.. Maximum 32 characters,including spaces, in a file orfolder name.. Maximum number of folders is100 with a maximum hierarchyof eight folders.. Create a folder structure thatmakes it easy to find songswhile driving. Organize songs byalbums using one folder for eachalbum. Each folder or albumshould contain 18 songs orfewer.. It is recommended that there is amaximum of 192 files on a disc.. The files can be recorded on aCD-R or CD-RW with amaximum capacity of 700MB.. DVD with MP3 are not playableon this system.Root DirectoryThe root directory is treated as afolder. If the root directory hascompressed audio files, thedirectory displays as No Folderor ALL.Empty Directory or FolderIf a root directory or a folder existssomewhere in the file structure thatcontains only folders/subfolders andno compressed files directlybeneath them, the player advancesto the next folder in the file structurethat contains compressed audiofiles and the empty folder is notdisplayed or numbered.No FolderWhen the CD contains onlycompressed files, the files arelocated under the root folder. Thenext and previous folder functionswill have no function on a CD thatwas recorded without folders orplaylists. When displaying the nameof the folder the radio will display NoFolder.Order of PlayPlay begins from the first trackunder the root directory. When alltracks from the root directory havebeen played, play continues fromfiles according to their numericallisting. After playing the last trackfrom the last folder, play beginsagain at the first track of the firstfolder or root directory.When play enters a new folder, thedisplay does not automatically showthe new folder name. The new trackname appears on the display.File System and NamingThe song name that displays is thesong name that is contained in theID3 tag. If the song name is notpresent in the ID3 tag, then the