10-82 Vehicle Care3.78 L (1 gal) of water.A concentrated soap solution willleave a residue that createsstreaks and attracts dirt. Do notuse solutions that contain strongor caustic soap.. Do not heavily saturate theupholstery when cleaning.. Do not use solvents or cleanerscontaining solvents.Interior GlassTo clean, use a terry cloth fabricdampened with water. Wipe dropletsleft behind with a clean dry cloth.Commercial glass cleaners may beused, if necessary, after cleaningthe interior glass with plain water.Notice: To prevent scratching,never use abrasive cleaners onautomotive glass. Abrasivecleaners or aggressive cleaningmay damage the rear windowdefogger.Notice: Cleaning the windshieldwith water during the first three tosix months of ownership willreduce tendency to fog.Speaker CoversVacuum around a speaker covergently, so that the speaker will notbe damaged. Clean spots with justwater and mild soap.Coated MoldingsCoated moldings should be cleaned.. When lightly soiled, wipe with asponge or soft lint-free clothdampened with water.. When heavily soiled, use warmsoapy water.Fabric/Carpet/SuedeStart by vacuuming the surfaceusing a soft brush attachment. If arotating brush attachment is beingused during vacuuming, only use iton the floor carpet. Before cleaning,gently remove as much of the soilas possible using one of thefollowing techniques:. Gently blot liquids with a papertowel. Continue blotting until nomore soil can be removed.. For solid soils, remove as muchas possible prior to vacuuming.To clean:1. Saturate a clean lint-freecolorfast cloth with water or clubsoda. Microfiber cloth isrecommended to prevent linttransfer to the fabric or carpet.2. Remove excess moisture bygently wringing until water doesnot drip from the cleaning cloth.