Customer Information 13-9Assistance, depending onavailability at the chosendestination. Restrictions applybased on vehicle specifications.If you are on the road, taxiservice to the nearest busstation or airport will beprovided.. *ComplimentaryTransportation for Vehicle PickUp: Transportation to pick upyour vehicle after repairs arecomplete. Once the dealer hasreported that the vehicle hasbeen repaired, RoadsideAssistance will provide bus orcommercial airline one-wayservice (subject to availability)for the person designated by youto collect your vehicle at thedealership's location if you or thedesignated person are not in thesame town or city as thedealership.*These services are not provided forU.S. or Canada residents. Allservices provided in the U.S. andCanada are at the owner's expenseand will be reimbursed by RoadsideAssistance.Services Not Included in RoadsideAssistanceRoadside Assistance does notcover or reimburse services for thefollowing:. Events caused by fraud or badfaith by the driver.. Vehicle immobilization situationsdue to a major force orunforeseen circumstances, suchas natural phenomena of anextraordinary nature,earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,and other cyclonic storms.. Vehicle immobilization situationsarising from car accidentscaused by the driver of thevehicle or third parties. Thismeans any occurrence thatcauses physical injury to theoccupants and/or the vehiclecaused by external forces.. Acts of terrorism, riot or uproar,armed forces or police actionswhich prevent timely delivery ofassistance services.. Food service, beverages,telephone calls, or other extracosts. Accommodation costsapply only to Mexico per theterms and conditions of theRoadside Assistance program.. Any damage to the vehiclewithout intent, derived from theservices provided.. Cost of towing a trailer whenchoosing a Cadillac dealer thatis nearest to the temporarystorage facility for the disabledvehicle.. Cost of all maneuvers requiredto access the vehicle when it isnot available to be towed.. Cost of fuel provided.