Infotainment System 7-43information such as street names,street address, turn restrictions, etc.A detailed area includes all majorhighways, service roads, andresidential roads. The detailed areasinclude points of interest (POI) suchas: restaurants, airports, banks,hospitals, police stations, gasstations, tourist attractions, historicalmonuments, etc. The map databasemay not include data for newlyconstructed areas or map databasecorrections that are completed afterthe production of the compact flashdrive. The navigation systemprovides full route guidance in thedetailed map areas.Limited Guidance AreasAny area that is not classified asdetailed, is a limited guidance area.Limited guidance streets aredisplayed on the map but routeguidance may not be given on thesestreets. Some POI categories, suchas the city center POI category, andsome street addresses are includedin the limited guidance areas.The navigation system informsthrough voice prompts when you aretraveling into a limited guidancearea where route guidance is notavailable. The street maps and thedirectional arrow displayed on thenavigation system can then be usedto determine the remaining route toyour destination.Map AdjustmentsThe system lets you adjust the scaleof view on the map. Also, as youdrive, the map scrolls automaticallybased on the direction of travel.Map Scales+ / − (Zoom In/Zoom Out): Pressthe zoom in or out screen buttons orthe scale on the bar to change thelevel of map detail. The scaleappears on the screen once thezoom in or zoom out screen buttonsare selected. The system adjuststhe map accordingly. The scale of amap can range from 1/32 mi (50 m)to 256 mi (400 km). To changeEnglish or metric, see DriverInformation Center (DIC) onpage 5‑22 for more information.Scrolling the MapPress anywhere on the map screenand the scroll symbol appears. Usethis feature to scroll across the map.Move your finger in any direction onthe map screen and the mapcontinues to scroll in that directionuntil you remove your finger fromthe screen.If scrolling while the vehicle is inP (Park), the system scrolls initiallyat a slower rate. It increases if youcontinue pressing on the mapscreen.