8-4 Climate Controlssetting will display and the AUTOlight will turn off. The air delivery willremain in automatic operation.y N z (Air Delivery ModeControl): Press to change thedirection of the airflow in the vehicle.Repeatedly press the button untilthe desired mode appears on thedisplay.When the system is turned off, thedisplay goes blank after displayingthe current status of the system.H (Vent): Air is directed to theinstrument panel outlets.) (Bi-Level): Air is dividedbetween the instrument panel andfloor outlets. Some air is directedtowards the windshield and sidewindow outlets. Cooler air isdirected to the upper vents andwarmer air to the floor vents.6 (Floor): Air is directed to thefloor outlets, with some to thewindshield, side window outlets, andsecond row floor outlets. In thismode, the system automaticallyselects outside air.- (Defog): This mode clears thewindows of fog or moisture. Air isdirected to the windshield, flooroutlets, and side window vents. Inthis mode, the system turns offrecirculation and runs the airconditioning compressor unless theoutside temperature is close tofreezing. The recirculation modecannot be selected while in thedefog mode.0 (Defrost): This mode removesfog or frost from the windshieldmore quickly. Air is directed to thewindshield and side window vents,with some directed to the floorvents. In this mode, the systemautomatically forces outside air intothe vehicle and runs the airconditioning compressor unless theoutside temperature is close tofreezing. The recirculation modecannot be selected while in thedefrost mode.The passenger temperature controlcannot be activated while in defrostmode. If the passenger control knobis pressed, the passengertemperature flashes three times andwill not work. If the passengercontrol knob is adjusted, the drivertemperature indicator changes. Thepassenger temperature will not bedisplayed.If vent, bi-level, or floor mode isselected again, the climate controlsystem displays the previoustemperature settings.Do not drive the vehicle until all thewindows are clear.# (Air Conditioning): Press toturn the air conditioning (A/C)compressor on and off. An indicatorlight comes on to show that the airconditioning is on.Pressing this button when theoutside temperature is too cool forair conditioning will make the airconditioning indicator flash threetimes and then turn off indicating theair conditioning mode is not