Seats and Restraints 3-25Passenger SensingSystemIf the vehicle has the passengerairbag status indicator pictured inthe following illustration, then thevehicle has a passenger sensingsystem for the right front passengerposition. The passenger airbagstatus indicator, if equipped, isvisible on the overhead consolewhen the vehicle is started.In addition, if the vehicle has apassenger sensing system for theright front passenger position, thelabel on the vehicle's sun visorsrefers to “ADVANCED AIRBAGS”.United StatesCanada and MexicoThe words ON and OFF, or thesymbols for on and off, will bevisible during the system check.If you are using remote start,if equipped, to start the vehicle froma distance, you may not see thesystem check. When the systemcheck is complete, either the wordON or OFF, or the symbol for on oroff, will be visible. See PassengerAirbag Status Indicator onpage 5‑14.The passenger sensing system willturn off the right front passengerfrontal airbag under certainconditions. The driver airbag, seat‐mounted side impact airbags (ifequipped) and the roof-rail airbagsare not affected by the passengersensing system.The passenger sensing systemworks with sensors that are part ofthe right front passenger seat andsafety belt. The sensors aredesigned to detect the presence ofa properly-seated occupant anddetermine if the right frontpassenger frontal airbag should beenabled (may inflate) or not.According to accident statistics,children are safer when properlysecured in a rear seat in the correctchild restraint for their weightand size.We recommend that children besecured in a rear seat, including: aninfant or a child riding in arear-facing child restraint; a childriding in a forward-facing child seat;