7-68 Infotainment SystemAn arrow may appear before thedistance. The arrow indicatesthe distance is a straight linedistance and it shows thedirection of the event from thecurrent vehicle's position. If noarrow appears, the distanceindicates how far the event isahead on current Interstatehighway or route. While thevehicle is moving, the traffic listup or down, scroll arrows arelimited to a maximum offour pages. No more thanfour pages of traffic events maybe viewed while the vehicle ismoving.2. Select a traffic condition to getmore detailed information of theevent.OptionsPress the Options screen button.A Traffic Options menu displays.Select the desired traffic relatedoption.Traffic: Press to enable or disablethe traffic function.Show Traffic ICONS: Press todisplay traffic icons on the mapscreen. This function allows whichtraffic information displays.Traffic Flow Status — This screenbutton is used to enable or disablethe green, yellow, red and orangearrows shown beside the roads andused to show the traffic flow orextent of a traffic event.. Black indicates a closed roadsegment. Red indicates significantlyimpaired traffic flow with averagespeed of fewer than 40 km/h(25 mph).