5-46 Instruments and ControlsYour hand-held transmitter canhave between 8 to 12 dipswitches depending on thebrand of transmitter.The garage door opener receiver(motor head unit) could alsohave a row of dip switches thatcan be used when programmingthe Universal Home Remote.If the total number of switcheson the motor head andhand-held transmitter aredifferent, or if the dip switchsettings are different, use the dipswitch settings on the motorhead unit to program theUniversal Home Remote. Themotor head dip switch settingscan also be used when theoriginal hand-held transmitter isnot available.Example of Eight Dip Switcheswith Two PositionsExample of Eight Dip Switcheswith Three PositionsThe panel of switches might notappear exactly as they do in theexamples above, but theyshould be similar.The switch positions on thehand-held transmitter could belabeled as follows:. A switch in the up positioncould be labeled as Up,+, or On.. A switch in the downposition could be labeled asDown, −, or Off.. A switch in the middleposition could be labeled asMiddle, 0, or Neutral.2. Write down the 8 to 12 switchsettings from left to right asfollows:. When a switch is in the upposition, write “Left.”. When a switch is in thedown position, write “Right.”. If a switch is set betweenthe up and down position,write “Middle.”The switch settings writtendown in Step 2 nowbecome the button strokesto be entered into theUniversal Home Remote inStep 4. Be sure to enter theswitch settings written downin Step 2, in order from left