5-38 Instruments and ControlsLIGHTS ON (default): The exteriorlamps will flash when you press theunlock button on the RKEtransmitter.NO CHANGE: No change will bemade to this feature. The currentsetting will remain.To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desiredsetting is displayed on the DIC.DELAY DOOR LOCKThis feature allows you to selectwhether or not the locking of thevehicle's doors and tailgate will bedelayed. When locking the doorsand tailgate with the power doorlock switch and a door or thetailgate is open, this feature willdelay locking the doors and tailgateuntil five seconds after the last dooris closed. You will hear three chimesto signal that the delayed lockingfeature is in use. The key must beout of the ignition for this feature towork. You can temporarily overridedelayed locking by pressing thepower door lock switch twice. SeeDelayed Locking on page 2‑7 formore information.Press the customization button untilDELAY DOOR LOCK appears onthe DIC display. Press the set/resetbutton once to access the settingsfor this feature. Then press thecustomization button to scrollthrough the following settings:OFF: There will be no delayedlocking of the vehicle's doors.ON (default): The doors will notlock until five seconds after the lastdoor or the tailgate is closed.NO CHANGE: No change will bemade to this feature. The currentsetting will remain.To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desiredsetting is displayed on the DIC.EXIT LIGHTINGThis feature allows you to select theamount of time you want theexterior lamps to remain on when itis dark enough outside. Thishappens after the key is turned fromON/RUN to LOCK/OFF.Press the customization button untilEXIT LIGHTING appears on the DICdisplay. Press the set/reset buttononce to access the settings for thisfeature. Then press thecustomization button to scrollthrough the following settings:OFF: The exterior lamps will notturn on.30 SECONDS (default): Theexterior lamps will stay on for30 seconds.1 MINUTE: The exterior lamps willstay on for 1 minute.2 MINUTES: The exterior lamps willstay on for 2 minutes.NO CHANGE: No change will bemade to this feature. The currentsetting will remain.To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desiredsetting is displayed on the DIC.