7-10 Infotainment SystemFM Source Shown, Other SourcesSimilarCategory: Press the screen button,located in the middle of the screen,to get a list of all the selected bandstations in the area. Use the up anddown arrows to scroll thefrequencies. Press the desiredfrequency.XM (if equipped) lists also contain acategory to select and the stationsor channels that have broadcaststhat relate to that category. For XM(if equipped), press the left and rightarrow screen buttons to changecategories. The station informationappears on the display. See “RadioMenu” in this section to add andremove XM categories from thecategory list. Removed categoriesdo not appear on the category listscreen or when the right and leftarrow category screen buttonsare used.FM lists may also contain acategory to select if stations in thebroadcast area support Radio DataSystems (RDS).2 Refresh List: Press to refreshthe list of AM or FM stations.When viewing a map screen, thename of the station or channeldisplays.y / © or ¨ / z (Seek/Scan):1. To seek stations, press the up ordown arrows to go to the next orprevious station.2. To scan stations, press and holdeither arrow for more thantwo seconds. The radio goes toa station, plays for a fewseconds, then goes to the nextstation.3. To stop scanning, press eitherarrow again.Press the AUDIO button on thefaceplate to display the audioscreen. Press again to switchbetween the audio sources. SelectXM (if equipped).XM Tune Select (If Equipped)