Infotainment System 7-67Traffic IconThe Traffic Icon appears on theTraffic Tab, next to the word Traffic,when traffic is found in thelocal area.The Traffic Icon has three differentcondition displays. These are:ConditionTrafficStatus Icon. No XMNavTraffic™subscription.. No Traffic isfound in thelocal area.. The TrafficFeature isturned off.ConditionTrafficStatus IconTraffic events arein the area, butnone are onroute.Traffic events areon route.Locations and Information ofTraffic ConditionsThe system may take some time tosort the information. The list oftraffic conditions display in the orderof distance from the vehicle, up toapproximately 125 km (75 mi). Witha route planned, the system defaultsto list traffic events on your route.Without a route planned, if travellingon a major interstate, the systemlists events immediately ahead onthe interstate first. Then all othertraffic events follow. Not all trafficconditions may be listed.To view the traffic condition locationand information on the map:1. Press NAV, then press NAVrepeatedly until Traffic isselected, or press the Trafficscreen button. A list of trafficconditions with distance from thevehicle's current positiondisplays.