8-30EPB ApplyThe EPB can be applied any time thevehicle is stopped. The EPB isapplied by momentarily lifting up onthe EPB switch. Once fully applied,the park brake status light will be on.While the brake is being applied, thestatus lamp will flash until full apply isreached. If the light does not comeon, or remains flashing, you need tohave the vehicle serviced. Do notdrive the vehicle if the park brakestatus light is flashing. See yourdealer/retailer. See Brake SystemWarning Light on page 4-23 for moreinformation.If the EPB is applied while thevehicle is in motion, a chime willsound, and the DIC message“Release Park Brake” will bedisplayed. The vehicle will decelerateas long as the switch is held in the upposition. Releasing the EPB switchduring the deceleration will releasethe parking brake. If the switch isheld in the up position until thevehicle comes to a stop, the EPB willremain applied.If the park brake status light flashescontinuously, the EPB is only partiallyapplied or released, or there is aproblem with the EPB. The DICmessage “Service Parking Brake”will be displayed. If this light flashescontinuously, release the EPB, andattempt to apply it again. If this lightcontinues to flash, do not drive thevehicle. See your dealer/retailer.If the park brake warning light is on,the EPB has detected an error inanother system and is operating withreduced functionality. To apply theEPB when this light is on, lift up onthe EPB switch and hold it in the upposition. Full application of theparking brake by the EPB systemmay take a longer period of time thannormal when this light is on.Continue to hold the switch until thepark brake status light remains on. Ifthe park brake warning light is on,see your dealer/retailer.If the EPB fails to apply, the rearwheels should be blocked to preventvehicle movement.EPB ReleaseTo release the EPB, place theignition in the ON/RUN position,apply and hold the brake pedal, andpush down momentarily on the EPBswitch. If you attempt to release theEPB without the brake pedal applied,a chime will sound, and the DICmessage “Step On Brake to ReleasePark Brake” will be displayed. TheEPB is released when the park brakestatus light is off.If the park brake warning light is on,the EPB has detected an error inanother system and is operating withreduced functionality. To release theEPB when this light is on, push downon the EPB switch and hold it in thedown position. EPB release maytake a longer period of time thannormal when this light is on.Continue to hold the switch until thepark brake status light is off. If thelight is on, see your dealer/retailer.srx.book Page 30 Monday, June 8, 2009 8:28 AM