12-5Chapter 12 Other Special FeaturesPROGRAM button Setup SummaryThe default (PRINT REPORT) remains in effect unless you change it.PRINT REPORT Sets the PROGRAM button to function as a printtransmission report button. Whenever you need atransmission report for a document you are sending,just press the PROGRAM button and a transmissionreport will print after the document is sent.REPORT Assigns the PROGRAM button the functions of theREPORT button. Whenever you need to print areport, all you have to do is press the PROGRAMbutton. This saves you the effort of opening both One-touch Speed Dialling panels to press the REPORTbutton.D.T. Sets the PROGRAM button to function like the D.T.button so you do not have to open both One-touchSpeed Dialling panels to press the D.T. button.TONE Sets the PROGRAM button to function like TONEbutton so you do not have to open both One-touchSpeed Dialling panels to press the TONE button.SCANNING MODE Set up the RESOLUTION, CONTRAST, orDOCUMENT TYPE buttons for sending specialdocuments and then store the settings under thePROGRAM button. The next time you need to setthem before a document transmission, you can set themwith a single button press.STAMP If you had the optional stamp feature installed for you,this feature is available. If you select STAMP you canturn the stamp feature on and off without opening bothOne-touch Speed Dialling panels to press the STAMPbutton.