15-25Chapter 15 Maintenance & Frequently Asked QuestionsCODE PROBLEM SOLUTION#018 The other fax does not answer, even after severalredialling attempts, or the other fax was busy andunable to respond within 35 seconds.Wait a few minutes and try again. If you still can notsend the document, contact the other party andconfirm that the other fax has been turned on. If theother fax is busy, try sending your document at alater time. When you send documents long distance,open both One-touch Speed Dialling panels andpress PAUSE after dialling. (Q6-9)#021 You can not be polling receiving. Make sure the subaddress/passwords match thesettings on the other party’s fax unit. If the otherparty’s fax is a Canon fax and can set a polling ID,request that they set the polling ID to 255 decimal or1111 1111 binary.#022 The settings for the One-touch or Coded Speeddialling buttons you are using to dial the other partyhave been deleted.Correct the One-touch or Coded Speed dialregistration settings. (Q4-6, 4-14)#025 During registration of the number for One-touch orCoded Speed Dialling, you registered the number forconfidential or relay sending but you omitted thesubaddress.Open the optional settings for One-touch or CodedSpeed Dialling and make sure that you have entereda subaddress and password (if required) for thetelephone number. (Q4-6, 4-14)After setting up relay sending or confidential sending,the settings for One-touch or Coded Speed diallingmay have been changed.Open the settings for One-touch or Coded SpeedDialling and make sure the settings have not beenchanged. (Q4-6, 4-14)#033 You have attempted to send a confidential documentto a fax unit that does not support the use of ITU-Tsubaddresses.Send the document without confidential settings, orsend the document to a fax that supports the use ofITU-T subaddresses.#034 You sent a confidential document to another fax unitbut it was rejected.Contact the other party and confirm the settings onthe other party’s confidential mailbox.#035 You have attempted to relay a document to a fax unitthat does not support the use of ITU-T subaddresses.Send the document by regular transmission.#036 You have attempted to relay a document to a fax unitbut it was rejected.Contact the other party and confirm that their relaysettings match the relay settings on your fax unit.#037 The memory in your fax is full and can not store adocument for sending or receiving.Before you try to to clear the memory, you maywant to print a memory list for reference. (Q8-4)If there are documents in the memory that you donot need, erase those documents from the memory.(Q8-8)#059 The number you had dialled did not match with theregistered number on the other party’s fax. Thenumber is not registered on the other party’s fax orthe number registered on the other party’s fax is notcorrect.Call the other party and ask the other party toregister the number or to correct the number. Or, setPHONE NO. CHECK of the system setting to OFFon your fax. (Q16-26)