Setting DetailsPerceptual This item does color matching with priority on color tones to reproduce the bestresults in printing photographic images.Colorimetric This item places priority on reducing the differences between the color tonesyou seen on the computer screen and those you see in the printout, so the print-out more closely resemble the colors of the original.Saturation This item does color matching with priority on saturation.None Color matching is not performed.Note• Color Matching is available for selection only when Color is selected for Color Mode.BrightnessAdjust Brightness to achieve the best level of brightness in printed line drawings.Drag slide bar left and right to adjust the level of brightness.Adj. Pale Color RecognizableWhen you place a checkmark here, yellow or cyan lines or other portions of images that are difficult to see when prin-ted in white space can become easier to see.Economy PrintingYou can reduce the amount of ink consumed for printing by placing a checkmark here.Output Method ButtonClick the button to open the Output Method dialog box and you can specify the output method for HDI Driver.For more information about the output method, see "Output Method Dialog Box." →P.356Color Compatibility buttonClick the button to open the Color Compatibility dialog box, and you can set color for when Color (CAD) is selectedin Color Mode.For more information on setting color compatibility, see "Color Compatibility Dialog Box." →P.357Windows Software > HDI Driver >Custom Properties dialog box iPF7554354