15STARTING EQUIPMENTThe 19XR chiller requires a motor starter or VFD to operate thecentrifugal hermetic compressor motor. The starter or VFD havecommunication wiring between itself and Carrier power panel(19XR2-E) or Carrier control panel (19XR6-7).See Carrier’s specifications for specific starter/VFD requirements.All starters/VFDs must meet these specifications in order to prop-erly start and satisfy mechanical safety requirements.There may be multiple circuit breakers inside the starter. These in-clude the main compressor motor circuit breaker, a circuit breakerwhich provides power to the chiller control panel, and a possiblecircuit breaker for starter specific controls. The control breaker(s)are typically wired in parallel with the first so that power is provid-ed to those services when the main breaker is open. The discon-nect switch on the starter front cover is connected to the mainbreaker. For 19XR2-E units it is typical that the starter providescontrol power and if specified 3-phase power to the oil pump (formedium/high voltage there is an option for a transformer). For19XR6-7 it is typical that 3-phase power is field supplied to theCarrier control panel which powers oil-pump, heater and controls.Consult specific wiring diagrams for details.Unit-Mounted VFDsThe 19XR2-E starter options include a variable frequencydrive motor controller mounted on the condenser. See Fig. 12and 13. These unit-mounted VFDs are offered with low voltagemotors between 380 and 575 vac. It reduces the starting currentinrush by controlling the voltage and frequency to the com-pressor motor. Once the motor has accelerated to minimumspeed, the PIC 6 modulates the compressor speed and guidevane position to control chilled water temperature.Operational parameters and fault codes are displayed relativeto the drive. Refer to specific drive literature along with trou-bleshooting sections (consult VFD nameplate on inside of doorif uncertain of drive model). The display is also the interfacefor entering specific chiller operational parameters. These pa-rameters have been preprogrammed at the factory. An adhe-sive-backed label on the inside of the drive has been providedfor verification of the specific job parameters. See Initial Start-Up Checklist section for details.NOTE: The factory offers a variety of unit-mounted VFDs.LiquiFlo2 is an active front end drive while PowerFlex 755,LCX 9000, and PowerFlex 700L are 6-pulse passive rectifierdrives. PF700L is offered in 575V. See Fig. 14, Table 1, andCarrier Specification Z-420 and Z-417 respectively, along withdrive-specific literature for details.Parts Identification and LocationSee Fig. 15-18.WARNINGThe main circuit breaker on the front of the starter/VFD dis-connects the main motor power only. Power may be still ener-gized for other circuits. Always check wiring diagrams beforeinitiating any work on the chiller and follow applicable lock-out/tag-out procedures. Failure to disconnect power will resultin personal injury.