4ABBREVIATIONS AND EXPLANATIONSFrequently used abbreviations in this manual include:Factory-installed additional components are referred to as optionsin this manual; factory-supplied but field-installed additional com-ponents are referred to as accessories.CHILLER FAMILIARIZATION (Fig. 1 and 5)Chiller Information NameplateThe information nameplate is located on the right side of thechiller control panel.System ComponentsThe components include cooler and condenser heat exchangers inseparate vessels, motor-compressor, lubrication package, controlpanel/HMI, power panel, economizer, and motor starter or VFD.CoolerThis vessel (also known as the evaporator) is located underneaththe compressor. The cooler is maintained at lower temperature/pressure so evaporating refrigerant can remove heat from waterflowing through its internal tubes.CondenserThe condenser operates at a higher temperature/pressure than thecooler and has water flowing through its internal tubes in order toremove heat from the refrigerant.Motor-CompressorThis component maintains system temperature and pressure dif-ferences and moves the heat- carrying refrigerant from the coolerto the condenser. The 19XR compressor frames 2, 3, 4, and 5 aresingle-stage compressors with one impeller. Frame C, E, 6, and 7are two-stage compressors with two impellers.Control PanelThe control panel includes the Carrier PIC 6 HMI touchscreen. Itallows user interface for controlling the chiller. It regulates thechiller’s capacity as required to maintain proper leaving chilledwater temperature. The control panel:• registers cooler, condenser, and lubricating system pressures• shows chiller operating condition and alarm shutdownconditions• records the total chiller operating hours• sequences chiller start, stop, and recycle under micropro-cessor control• displays status of motor starter• provides access to other CCN (Carrier Comfort Network® )devices and energy management systems• supports languages that may be preinstalled at factory, in-cluding English, Chinese, Korean, Italian, Japanese,French, and German.Power Panel (19XR2-E)The power panel contains oil heater and oil pump contactors, aswell as the envelope control/HGBP relay if specified. The powerpanel also contains transformers T1/T2 for 24 VAC control power,as well as the low voltage starter interlock and communication ter-minals.Power Panel (19XR6/7)The control panel contains both power components for heaters, oilpump and electrical actuators as well as low voltage control com-ponents. They are separated by a barrier.Economizer (if available)This chamber reduces the refrigerant pressure to an intermediatelevel between the cooler and condenser vessels. In the economiz-er, vapor is separated from liquid, the separated vapor flows to thesecond stage of the compressor, and the liquid flows into the cool-er. The energy removed from the vaporized refrigerant in theeconomizer allows the liquid refrigerant in the cooler to absorbmore heat when it evaporates and benefits the overall cooling effi-ciency cycle.Free-Standing/Factory-Mounted Starter or VFDThe starter or VFD allows for the proper start and disconnect ofelectrical energy for the compressor-motor, oil pump, oil heater,and control panel.Storage Vessel (Optional)There are 2 sizes of storage vessels available. The vessels havedouble relief valves, a magnetically-coupled dial-type refrigerantlevel gage, a 1 in. FPT drain valve, and a 1/2-in. male flare vaporconnection for the pumpout unit.NOTE: If a storage vessel is not used at the jobsite, factory in-stalled isolation valves on the chiller may be used to isolate thechiller charge in either the cooler or condenser. An optional pum-pout system is used to transfer refrigerant from vessel to vessel.CAUTIONBe aware of electrostatic discharge (static electricity) whenhandling or making contact with circuit boards or module con-nections. Always touch a chassis (grounded) part to dissipatebody electrostatic charge before working inside control center.Use extreme care when handling tools near boards and whenconnecting or disconnecting terminal plugs. Circuit boards caneasily be damaged. Always hold boards by the edges andavoid touching components and connections.This equipment uses, and can radiate, radio frequency energy.If not installed and used in accordance with the instructionmanual, it may cause interference to radio communications.The PIC 6 control boards have been tested and found to com-ply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant toInternational Standard in North America EN 61000-2/3 whichare designed to provide reasonable protection against such in-terference when operated in a commercial environment. Oper-ation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to causeinterference, in which case the user, at his own expense, willbe required to take whatever measures may be required to cor-rect the interference.Always store and transport replacement or defective boards inanti-static shipping bag.CAUTIONWHEN FLUSHING THE WATER SYSTEMS isolate thechiller from the water circuits to prevent damage to the heatexchanger tubes.CCN — Carrier Comfort Network ®ECDW — Entering Condenser WaterECW — Entering Chilled WaterEMS — Energy Management SystemHGBP — Hot Gas BypassHMI — Human Machine InterfaceI/O — Input/OutputISM — Integrated Starter ModuleLCDW — Leaving Condenser WaterLCW — Leaving Chilled WaterLED — Light-Emitting DiodeOLTA — Overload Trip AmpsPIC 6 — Product Integrated Controls 6RLA — Rated Load AmpsSCR — Silicon Controlled RectifierTXV — Thermostatic Expansion ValveVFD — Variable Frequency Drive