36SHAPE FACTOR in steps of 0.01 up to 2 times. For exam-ple, if surge is encountered when shape factor is –0.06,increase the SURGE LINE SHAPE FACTOR to –0.05. Ifthis does not solve the problem, go to Step 5, even ifACTUAL GUIDE VANE POSITION is less than 30%.3. Do not change SURGE LINE SHAPE FACTOR from thevalue selected by Chiller Builder (ECAT). DecreaseSURGE DELTA TSMAX or PR at Full Load Opening.Monitor chiller for surge.4. If ACTUAL GUIDE VANE POSITION is greater than60% and Step 3 failed to eliminate surge, then set SURGEDELTA TSMAX or PR at Full Load Opening to below thevalue specified by Chiller Builder (ECAT). Increase thevalue of the SURGE LINE SHAPE FACTOR in steps of0.01 up to 2 times. For example, if surge is encounteredwhen the SURGE LINE SHAPE FACTOR is –0.06,increase the SURGE LINE SHAPE FACTOR to –0.05. Ifthis does not solve the problem, go to Step 5, even ifACTUAL GUIDE VANE POSITION is greater than 60%.5. If ACTUAL GUIDE VANE POSITION is greater than30% but less than 60% or if Step 2 failed (with ACTUALGUIDE VANE POSITION less than 30) or if Step 4 failed(with ACTUAL GUIDE VANE POSITION greater than60), then perform this step. Do not change SURGE LINESHAPE FACTOR from the value specified by ChillerBuilder (ECAT). Reset SURGE DELTA TSMIN or PR atMinimum Opening and SURGE DELTA TSMAX, or PRat Full Load Opening to the value specified by ChillerBuilder (ECAT). Decrease both SURGE DELTA TSMIN /PR at Minimum Opening and SURGE DELTA TSMAX /PR at Full Load Opening with equal steps. Monitor chillerfor surge.If the chiller is equipped with a VFD and the drive does not slowdown adequately at part load, then the machine is likely operat-ing at a point above the configured “software” surge line and themachine is in surge prevention mode. Check for a surge protec-tion message on the HMI. If the unit is not in a surge protectionstate, then the ENVELOPE SPEED FACTOR may need to beincreased (more aggressive surge line protection) in combinationwith a decrease (less negative) in the SURGE LINE SHAPEFACTOR. Units configured with Surge Line Configuration0=PR (Pressure Ratio) can be similarly adjusted. In lieu ofchanging Tsmax/Tsmin values, pressure ratios at Full/MinimumLoad are to be adjusted to obtain the same results.NOTE: A good starting point if adjustments are needed with atwo stage compressor is a shape factor of 2.10 and a speed factorof –0.045.MODIFY EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION IF NECESSARYThe Configuration Menu has other tables to select, view, or modi-fy parameters. Carrier’s certified drawings have the configurationvalues required for the jobsite. Modify these values only if re-quested. Tables include Service Parameters, General Configura-tion, Reset Configuration, and Protocol Configuration. Modifica-tions can include:• Chilled water reset (Configuration menu→ Reset Config-uration menu)• Entering chilled water control (Enable/Disable) (MainMenu→Setpoint)• 4 to 20 mA demand limit (Configuration menu→ GeneralConfiguration)• Auto restart option (Enable/Disable) (Configurationmenu →Option Configuration menu)• Remote contact option (Enable/Disable) — active whenchiller is in Remote modeSee the 19XR with PIC 6 Controls Operation and Troubleshootingguide for more details about these functions.VFD CONTROL VERIFICATION (NON-RUNNING)VFDs with ISM requires low voltage controls verification. ThePIC software monitors VFD Target Speed (VFD_Out; J8B-1,2),VFD Speed Feedback (VFD_In; J6-1,2); it will declare abnormalcondition Alarm if the VFD Target Speed and Actual VFD speeddiffers by greater than ±10%. The ISM outputs a 4-20 mA targetspeed signal to the drive from terminal J8B-1. The speed outputand the actual drive frequency need to be calibrated to matchalong the speed curve. This low calibration is done with the drivein “Low Voltage Test Mode” or without the power leads connect-ed to the motor so the chiller cannot start.Go to Maintenance Menu →ISM Calibration → J8B 4-20mA Output. Enable calibration and set for 20 mA signal. Recordand enter actual mA signal as received by VFD or mA meter andexecute. Then go to VFD status screen and verify that the TargetVFD speed is 100.0%. It will now need to be confirmed that thetarget VFD speed is 100% at the drive. Then the Actual VFDSpeed is verified on the PIC (this is the VFD Speed Feedback of 5or 10 vdc (depending on selection) vdc to input of the ISM is J6-1,2. If the Target and Actual VFD Speed values are different whengiven a 100% target speed signal and after the signal at the VFDpanel is confirmed to be 60 Hz (50 Hz), then the output voltagefrom the drive can be calibrated to match the actual voltage beingread at ISM terminals J6-1,2 (Maintenance Menu →ISM Cali-bration → J6 0-10V Input). The chiller must be shut down toenable ISM CalibrationUpon successful calibrating the drive and the ISM setting at the100% target speed repeat at speed settings 90%, 80% and 70%.Procedure is complete when for all points the Target VFD %matches the Actual VFD Speed % as obtained from the PIC5VFD Status screen matches within 5% or better.Perform a Controls Test (Quick Test/Quick Calibration)Check the safety controls status by performing an automated con-trols test. Actuators with feedback like inlet guide vane actuatorneed to be calibrated using the Quick Calibration menu prior tounit startup. Other controls tests can be done using the Quick TestMenu. The Quick Test or Quick Calibration menu can be accessedfrom the MAIN MENU. (The QUICK TEST screen can only beaccessed when the chiller is in STOP mode.) On the QUICKTEST table screen, select a test to be performed.The Quick Test checks all outputs and inputs for function. In orderto successfully proceed with the controls test, the compressorshould be off, no alarms showing, and voltage should be within±10% of rating plate value. Each test asks the operator to confirmthe operation is occurring and whether or not to continue. If an er-ror occurs, the operator can try to address the problem as the test isbeing done or note the problem and proceed to the next test.NOTE: If during the controls test the guide vanes do not open,verify the low pressure alarm is not active. (An active low pres-sure alarm causes the guide vanes to close.)NOTE: The oil pump test will not energize the oil pump if coolerpressure is below –5 psig (–35 kPa).When the controls test is finished, the test stops and the QUICKTEST menu displays. If a specific automated test procedure is notcompleted, access the particular control test to test the functionwhen ready. For information about calibration, see the sectionsChecking Pressure Transducers, page 57, and High Altitude Loca-tions, page 57.Table 11 — Calibration SettingsSIGNAL J8B(4-20 mA)TARGETSPEED (%)FREQ(50 Hz), HzFREQ(60 Hz), Hz20.0 100 50 6018.4 90 45 5416.8 80 40 4815.2 70 35 42