37Quick Calibration, which is also located in the Main Menu, is usedto calibrate inlet guide vanes and devices with 4-20mA feedback.Calibration is mandatory for chiller function and controls will notallow the chiller to start if calibration is not completed.Check Optional Pumpout System Controls andCompressorControls include an on/off switch, a 0.5-amp fuse, the compres-sor overloads, an internal thermostat, a compressor contactor, re-frigerant low pressure cut-out, and a refrigerant high pressurecutout. The high pressure cutout is factory set to open at 185 psig(1276 kPa) and reset at 140 psig (965 kPa). The low pressurecutout is factory set to open at 7 psia (–15.7 in. HG) and close at9 psia (–11.6 in. HG). Ensure the water-cooled condenser hasbeen connected. Ensure oil is visible in the compressor sightglass. Add oil if necessary.See the Pumpout and Refrigerant Transfer Procedures and Option-al Pumpout System Maintenance sections, pages 41 and 52, fordetails on the transfer of refrigerant, oil specifications, etc.Charge Refrigerant into ChillerThe standard 19XR chiller is shipped with the refrigerant alreadycharged in the vessels. However, the 19XR chiller may be orderedwith a nitrogen holding charge of 15 psig (103 kPa). Evacuate thenitrogen from the entire chiller, and charge the chiller from refrig-erant cylinders.NOTE: Since R-513A is a blend, be sure to remove only liquidwhen charging or trimming chiller refrigerant charge. Vaporcharging could shift refrigerant composition.CHILLER EQUALIZATION WITHOUT A PUMPOUT UNITTo equalize the pressure differential on a refrigerant isolated 19XRchiller, use the terminate lockout function PUMPDOWN/LOCK-OUT (located in the Maintenance Menu). This helps to turn onpumps and advises the operator on proper procedures.The following steps describe how to equalize refrigerant pressurein an isolated 19XR chiller without a pumpout unit.1. Access terminate lockout function on the MaintenanceMenu. (Alternatively, the Quick Test provides a means forcooler and condenser pump control.)2. Slowly open the refrigerant charging valves. The chillercooler and condenser pressures will gradually equalize.This process takes approximately 15 minutes.3. Once the pressures have equalized, the cooler isolationvalve, the condenser isolation valve, and the hot gas isola-tion valve may now be opened. Refer to Fig. 40 and 41 forthe location of the valves.CHILLER EQUALIZATION WITH FREE-STANDINGPUMPOUT UNITThe following steps describe how to equalize refrigerant pressureon an isolated 19XR chiller using the pumpout unit.1. Access the terminate lockout function on the PUMP-DOWN/LOCKOUT screen (located in the MaintenanceMenu).2. Open valve 4 on the pumpout unit and open valves 1a and1b on the chiller cooler and condenser, Fig. 40 and 41.Slowly open valve 2 on the pumpout unit to equalize thepressure. This process takes approximately 15 minutes.3. Once the pressures have equalized, the discharge isolationvalve, cooler isolation valve, optional hot gas bypass isola-tion valve, and refrigerant isolation valve can be opened.Close valves 1a and 1b, and all pumpout unit valves.The full refrigerant charge on the 19XR chiller will vary withchiller components and design conditions, as indicated on the jobdata specifications. An approximate charge may be determined byadding the condenser charge to the cooler charge as listed in theHeat Exchanger Data tables in the Physical Data section that be-gins on page 57.Use the PUMPDOWN/LOCKOUT terminate lockout function tomonitor conditions and start the pumps.If the chiller has been shipped with a holding charge, the refriger-ant is added through the pumpout charging connection (Fig. 40and 41, valve 1b). First evacuate the nitrogen holding charge fromthe chiller vessels. Charge the refrigerant as a gas until the systempressure exceeds 35 psig (241 kPa) for HFC-134a or 39 psig(268 kPa) for R-513A. After the chiller is beyond this pressure therefrigerant should be charged as a liquid until all the recommend-ed refrigerant charge has been added. The charging valve (Fig. 40and 41, valve 7) can be used to charge liquid to the cooler if thecooler isolation valve (11) is present and is closed. Do not chargeliquid backwards through any of the floats to the condenser.CAUTIONThe transfer, addition, or removal of refrigerant in spring iso-lated chillers may place severe stress on and damage externalpiping if springs have not been blocked in both up and downdirections.CAUTIONAlways operate the condenser and chilled water pumps duringcharging operations to prevent freeze-ups.CAUTIONWhen equalizing refrigerant pressure on the 19XR chiller afterservice work or during the initial chiller start-up, do not use thedischarge isolation valve to equalize. A charging hose (con-nected between the charging valves on top of the cooler andcondenser) should be used as the equalization valve. Failure tofollow this procedure may damage equipment.IMPORTANT: Turn on the chilled water and condenserwater pumps to prevent freezing.WARNINGWhenever turning the discharge isolation valve, be sure to re-attach the valve locking device. This prevents the valve fromopening or closing during service work or during chiller opera-tion. Failure to follow this procedure may damage equipmentand result in bodily injury.IMPORTANT: Turn on the chilled water and condenserwater pumps to prevent freezing.WARNINGWhenever turning the discharge isolation valve, be sure to re-attach the valve locking device. This prevents the valve fromopening or closing during service work or during chiller opera-tion. Failure to follow this procedure may damage equipmentand result in bodily injury.CAUTIONAlways operate the condenser and chilled water pumps when-ever charging, transferring, or removing refrigerant from thechiller. Always confirm that water flow is established. Failureto follow this procedure may result in equipment damage.