34Field Set Up and VerificationUse the HMI touch screen to confirm that the configuration valuesmatch the chiller parameter labels and Chiller Builder design datasheet. See typical jobsite parameters in Tables 9 and 10. Differentservice tables will need to be checked based on starter selection.LABEL LOCATIONSVerify the following labels have been installed properly and matchthe chiller requisition:• Surge Parameters — Located inside the chiller controlpanel.• Chiller identification nameplates — Located on the rightside of the control panel. A unit-mounted VFD alternateinformation nameplate will have two additional labels.(See Fig. 34.)- External Machine Electrical Nameplate — located rightside of the VFD (See Fig. 35).- Internal Machine Electrical Nameplate — located onthe inside of the left VFD enclosure door.STARTER/DRIVE PROTECTION AND OTHER INCOM-ING WIRING1. Verify that the branch disconnects or other local discon-nects are open and properly tagged out.2. Verify that the branch circuit protection and AC input wir-ing to the starter are in accordance with NEC/CEC(National Electrical Code/California Energy Commission)and all other local codes.3. Verify that the fuses are per the field wiring diagram.4. Verify that the incoming source does not exceed the SCCR(short circuit current rating) of the equipment marking.5. Verify the power lugs in the starter/VFD and branch pro-tection are properly secured. Inspect the ground cable andensure it is properly connected at the branch and to theground lug in the starter.6. Verify the conduit for the power wiring in securely con-nected to the starter flanged cover and runs continuouslyto the branch protection.7. Ensure the control and signal wires connected to the chillercontroller or the starter/VFD are in separate conduits.FINE TUNING VPF (VARIABLE PRIMARY FLOW)SURGE PREVENTIONFigures 36-39 show how the parameters defined below will affectthe configured surge line. The menu can be found under MAINMENU CONFIGURATION MENU SURGE COR-RECTION CONFIG.NOTE: Before tuning surge prevention, check for VFD speed lim-itation or capacity overrides. If the source of low capacity is foundin one of these places, do not proceed with an attempt to tune theSurge Prevention configurations.If capacity is not reachedand1. ACTUAL GUIDE VANE POSITION < GUIDE VANETRAVEL RANGEand2. SURGE PREVENTION ACTIVE = YES (can be identi-fied in MAIN MENU MAINTENANCE MENUSURGE CORRECTION)and3. PERCENT LINE CURRENT < 100%then the surge line is probably too conservative.Fig. 34 — Machine Identification NameplateFig. 35 — Machine Electrical Data NameplateNote the following parameters from HMI when maximum AC-TUAL LINE CURRENT is achieved:• EVAPORATOR REFRIGERANT TEMP• EVAPORATOR PRESSURE• CONDENSER REFRIG TEMP• CONDENSER PRESSURE• ACTUAL GUIDE VANE POSITION• ACTUAL LINE CURRENTThe ACTIVE DELTA TSAT and the CALC REF DELTA TSATcan be monitored on the MAINTENANCE MENUSURGECORRECTION screen. When ACTUAL DELTA TSAT exceedsIMPORTANT: Some parameters are specific to the chiller con-figuration and will need to be verified prior to operation. Allcommand functions must be initiated from the HMI.TYPICAL CHILLER ID NAMEPLATE — CONSTANT SPEEDSTARTER OR FREESTANDING VFDa19-1881SAFETY CODE CERTIFICATIONCOMPRESSOR MOTOR DATAR-REFRIGERATION MACHINECARRIER CHARLOTTE9701 OLD STATESVILLE ROADCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28269MADE IN USAPRODUCTION YEAR: 20XX19XR05009801A United Technologies CompanyTMTHIS UNIT IS DESIGNED,CONSTRUCTED,AND TESTED IN CONFORMANCE WITHANSI/ASHRAE 15 (LATEST REVISION),SPECIFICATION Z-415.IN ACCORDANCE WITH CARRIERAND OVERLOAD PROTECTION MUST BETHE COMPRESSOR MOTOR CONTROLLERREFRIGERATION.SAFETY CODE FOR MECHANICALTEST PRESSUREDESIGN PRESSURECLR.WATER PRESSURECOND.WATER PRESSUREPSIPSIPSIPSIKPAKPAKPAKPACAZTREH/ESAHP/STLOVRL AMPSOLT AMPSLR AMPS Y-LR AMPS D-MAX FUSE/CIRCUIT BKRMIN. CIRCUIT AMPACITYLBS.CHARGEDKGS.REFRIGERANTMODEL NUMBER SERIAL NO.MACHINECOMP'RCOOLERCONDENSERECONSTOR TANKRATED iKWRATED TONS:INTERNAL EXTERNAL