24Tighten All Gasketed JointsGaskets normally relax by the time the chiller arrives at the job-site. Tighten all gasketed joints to ensure a leak-tight chiller (doesnot apply to refrigerant joints covered by factory insulation). Gas-keted joints (excluding O-rings) may include joints at some or allof the following:• waterbox covers• compressor suction elbow flanges (at compressor and atthe cooler)• compressor discharge flange• compressor discharge line spacer (both sides) if no isola-tion valve• cooler inlet line spacer (both sides) if no isolation valve• hot gas bypass valve (both sides of valve)• hot gas bypass flange at compressorSee Tables 4 and 5 for bolt torque requirements.Check Chiller TightnessFigure 26 outlines the proper sequence and procedures for leaktesting.The 19XR chillers are shipped with the refrigerant contained inthe condenser shell and the oil charge in the compressor. The cool-er is shipped with a small positive pressure refrigerant holdingcharge. Units may be ordered with the refrigerant shipped sepa-rately, along with a 15 psig (103 kPa) nitrogen-holding charge ineach vessel.To determine if there are any leaks, the chiller should be chargedwith refrigerant. Use an electronic leak detector to check all flang-es and solder joints after the chiller is pressurized. If any leaks aredetected, follow the leak test procedure (page 26).If the chiller is spring isolated, keep all springs blocked in both di-rections to prevent possible piping stress and damage during thetransfer of refrigerant from vessel to vessel during the leak testprocess, or any time refrigerant is being transferred. Adjust thesprings when the refrigerant is in operating condition and the wa-ter circuits are full.Table 4 — Bolt Torque Requirements, Foot PoundsBOLT SIZE(in.)SAE 2, A307 GR AHEX HEADNO MARKSLOW CARBON STEELSAE 5SOCKET HEAD OR HEXWITH 3 RADIAL LINES, OR SA499MEDIUM CARBON STEELSAE 8HEX HEADWITH 6 RADIAL LINES ORSA354 GR BDMEDIUM CARBON STEELMINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM1 / 4 4 6 6 9 9 135 / 16 8 11 13 18 20 283 / 8 13 19 22 31 32 467 / 16 21 30 35 50 53 751 / 2 32 45 53 75 80 1159 / 16 46 65 75 110 115 1655 / 8 65 95 105 150 160 2253 / 4 105 150 175 250 260 3707 / 8 140 200 265 380 415 5901 210 300 410 580 625 8931 1 / 8 330 475 545 780 985 1,4101 1 / 4 460 660 770 1,100 1,380 1,9601 3 / 8 620 885 1,020 1,460 1,840 2,6301 1 / 2 740 1060 1,220 1,750 2,200 3,1501 5 / 8 1010 1450 1,670 2,390 3,020 4,3101 3 / 4 1320 1890 2,180 3,110 3,930 5,6101 7 / 8 1630 2340 2,930 4,190 5,280 7,5502 1900 2720 3,150 4,500 5,670 8,1002 1 / 4 2180 3120 4,550 6,500 8,200 11,7102 1 / 2 3070 4380 5,000 7,140 11,350 16,2102 3 / 4 5120 7320 8,460 12,090 15,710 22,4403 6620 9460 11,040 15,770 19,900 28,440Table 5 — Bolt Torque Requirements, Foot Pounds (Metric Bolts)BOLT SIZE(METRIC)CLASS 8.8 CLASS 10.9MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUMM4 1.75 2.5 2.5 3.5M6 6 9 8 12M8 14 20 20 30M10 28 40 40 57M12 48 70 70 100M16 118 170 170 240M20 230 330 330 470M24 400 570 570 810M27 580 830 820 1175