84LEGEND NOTES:1. Consult factory for 1 and 3 pass data.2. Weights for dished head cover and MWB end cover 150 psig(1034 kPa) are included in the heat exchanger weights shown inthe heat exchanger weight tables.LEGEND NOTES:1. Consult factory for 1 and 3 pass data.2. Weights for dished head cover and MWB end cover 150 psig(1034 kPa) are included in the heat exchanger weight tables.Table 38 — 19XR Waterbox Cover Weights, Two-Stage Compressor Frame 7Two-Stage Compressor Frame 7; Cooler Frames B, CWATERBOX DESCRIPTION PASSESENGLISH (LB) METRIC (KG)COOLER COOLERFRAME B FRAME C FRAME B FRAME CSTDNOZZLES FLANGED STDNOZZLES FLANGED STDNOZZLES FLANGED STDNOZZLES FLANGEDDished Head, 150 psig (1034 kPa) 1 1380 1545 1849 2014 626 701 839 914MWB End Cover, 150 psig (1034 kPa) 1 1366 1366 1835 1835 620 620 832 832MWB End Cover (ASME),300 psig (2068 kPa) 1 3425 3425 4805 4805 1554 1554 2180 2180Dished Head, 150 psig (1034 kPa) 2 1589 1849 2076 2336 721 839 942 1060Dished Head (Return Cover),150 psig (1034 kPa) 2 1367 1367 1836 1836 620 620 833 833MWB End Cover, 150 psig (1034 kPa) 2 1489 1489 1987 1987 675 675 901 901MWB (Return Cover), 150 psig(1034 kPa) 2 1367 1367 1836 1836 620 620 833 833MWB End Cover (ASME), 300 psig(2068 kPa) 2 3425 3425 4805 4805 1554 1554 2180 2180MWB (Return Cover), 300 psig(2068 kPa) 2 3425 3425 4805 4805 1554 1554 2180 2180Dished Head, 150 psig (1034 kPa) 3 1514 1604 2028 2118 687 728 920 961MWB End Cover, 150 psig (1034 kPa) 3 1506 1506 1995 1995 683 683 905 905MWB End Cover (ASME),300 psig (2068 kPa) 3 3425 3425 4805 4805 1554 1554 2180 2180ASME — American Society of Mechanical EngineersMWB — Marine WaterboxSTD — StandardTable 39 — 19XR Waterbox Cover Weights, Two-Stage Compressor Frame 7Two-Stage Compressor Frame 7; Condenser Frames C, DWATERBOX DESCRIPTION PASSESENGLISH (LB) METRIC (KG)CONDENSER CONDENSERFRAME C FRAME D FRAME C FRAME DSTDNOZZLES FLANGED STDNOZZLES FLANGED STDNOZZLES FLANGED STDNOZZLES FLANGEDDished Head, 150 psig (1034 kPa) 1 1380 1600 1849 2029 626 726 839 920MWB End Cover, 150 psig(1034 kPa) 1 1367 1367 1835 1835 620 620 832 832MWB End Cover (ASME), 300 psig(2068 kPa) 1 3639 3639 5249 5249 1651 1651 2353 2353Dished Head, 150 psig (1034 kPa) 2 1589 1919 2076 2406 721 870 942 1091Dished Head (Return Cover),150 psig (1034 kPa) 2 1367 1367 1836 1836 620 620 833 833MWB End Cover, 150 psig(1034 kPa) 2 1497 1497 1988 1988 679 679 902 902MWB (Return Cover), 150 psig(1034 kPa) 2 1367 1367 1836 1836 620 620 833 833MWB End Cover (ASME), 300 psig(2068 kPa) 2 3639 3639 5249 5249 1651 1651 2381 2381MWB (Return Cover) (ASME),300 psig (2068 kPa) 2 3639 3639 5249 5249 1651 1651 2381 2381Dished Head, 150 psig (1034 kPa) 3 1514 1612 2028 2126 687 731 920 964MWB End Cover, 150 psig(1034 kPa) 3 1493 1493 1993 1993 677 677 904 904MWB End Cover (ASME), 300 psig(2068 kPa) 3 3639 3639 5249 5249 1651 1651 2381 2381ASME — American Society of Mechanical EngineersSTD — StandardMWB — Marine Waterbox