30properly lubricated and have proper electrical supply andproper rotation.9. Tighten all wiring connections and inspect power panel(19XR2-E) or control panel (19XR6/7) to ensure contrac-tor has used the knockouts to feed the wires into the enclo-sures and that appropriate strain relief is provided.10. Verify all field connected wiring including option controlwiring to control panel.11. Field-installed starters only (or for VFD units only if chillercontrols indicate ground fault), test the chiller compressormotor and its power lead insulation resistance with a 500-vinsulation tester such as a megohmmeter. (Use a 5000-v testerfor motors rated over 600 v.) Factory mounted starters do notrequire a megohm test.a. Open the starter main disconnect switch and followlockout/tagout rules.b. With the tester connected to the motor leads, take 10-second and 60-second megohm readings as follows:6-Lead Motor — Tie all 6 leads together and testbetween the lead group and ground. Next tie the leadsin pairs: 1 and 4, 2 and 5, and 3 and 6. Test betweeneach pair while grounding the third pair.3-Lead Motor — Tie terminals 1, 2, and 3 togetherand test between the group and ground.c. Divide the 60-second resistance reading by the 10-second reading. The ratio, or polarization index, mustbe one or higher. Both the 10 and 60-second readingsmust be at least 50 megohms. If the readings on afield-installed starter are unsatisfactory, repeat the testat the motor with the power leads disconnected. Satis-factory readings in this second test indicate the fault isin the power leads.NOTE: Unit-mounted starters do not have to be meg-ohm tested.12. Tighten all wiring connections to the plugs on the IOBsand PIC6 HMI panel.13. On chillers with free-standing starters, inspect the powerpanel (19XR2/E) to ensure that the contractor has fed thewires into the bottom or side of the panel. The installationof wiring into the top of the panel can cause debris to fallinto the contactors. Clean and inspect the contactors if thishas occurred.14. Torque all AC power terminals to specified torque.Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) andLocal Equipment Network (LEN) InterfaceThe Communication bus wiring is supplied and installed by theelectrical contractor. It consists of shielded, 3-conductor cablewith drain wire. The system elements are connected to the com-munication bus in a daisy chain arrangement. The positive pin ofeach system element communication connector must be wired tothe positive pins of the system element on either side of it. Thenegative pins must be wired to the negative pins. The signalground pins must be wired to the signal ground pins. See installa-tion manual.NOTE: Conductors and drain wire must be 20 AWG (AmericanWire Gage) minimum stranded, tinned copper.Individual conductors must be insulated with PVC, PVC/nylon,vinyl, Teflon1, or polyethylene. An aluminum/polyester 100% foilshield and an outer jacket of PVC, PVC/nylon, chrome vinyl, orTeflon with a minimum operating temperature range of –4°F to140°F (–20°C to 60°C) is required. See table below for cables thatmeet the requirements.When connecting the communication bus to a system element,a color code system for the entire network is recommended tosimplify installation and checkout. The following color code isrecommended:Check StarterMECHANICAL STARTER1. Check all field wiring connections for tightness, clearancefrom moving parts, and correct connection.2. Check the contactor(s) to ensure they move freely. Checkall other electro-mechanical devices, such as relays, forfree movement. If the devices do not move freely, contactthe starter manufacturer for replacement components.3. Reapply starter control power (not main chiller power) tocheck the electrical functionsOil ChargeThe oil charge for the 19XR:• Frame 2 compressor — 8 gal (30 L)• Frame 3 compressor — 8 gal (30 L)• Frame 4 compressor — 12 gal (45 L)• Frame 4 compressor with split ring diffuser option —12 gal (45 L)• Frame C compressor - 14.1 gal (53.4 L)• Frame 5 compressor — 22.5 gal (85.2 L)• Frame E compressor — 15.3 gal (57.9 L)• Frame 6 compressor — 28.5 gal (107.9 L)• Frame 7 compressor — 44.4 gal (168 L)The chiller is shipped with oil in the compressor. When the sumpis full, the oil level should be no higher than the middle of theupper sight glass, and minimum level is the bottom of the lowersight glass (Fig. 3-5). If oil is added, it must meet Carrier’s spec-ification for centrifugal compressor use as described in the OilSpecification section on page 49. Charge the oil through the oilcharging valve located near the bottom of the transmission hous-ing. The oil must be pumped from the oil container through thecharging valve due to higher refrigerant pressure. The pumpingdevice must be able to lift from 0 to 200 psig (0 to 1380 kPa) orCAUTIONIf the motor starter is a solid-state starter or VFD, the motorleads must be disconnected from the starter before an insula-tion test is performed. The voltage generated from the testercan damage the starter/VFD components.CAUTIONDo not route control wiring carrying 30 v or less within aconduit carrying 50 v or higher. Failure to observe this pre-caution could result in electromagnetic interference in thecontrol wiring.WARNINGDo not apply power unless a qualified Carrier technician ispresent. Serious personal injury may result.1. Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont.MANUFACTURER CABLE NO.ALPHA 2413 or 5463AMERICAN A22503BELDEN 8772COLUMBIA 02525SIGNAL TYPECCN BUSCONDUCTORINSULATION COLORCCN TERMINALCONNECTION+ Red Red (+)GROUND White White (G)– Black Black (–)