50VFD Refrigerant Strainer (if equipped)A refrigerant strainer is located in the 5/8 in. line that supplies re-frigerant to the VFD. The strainer should be replaced once a yearor more often if the strainer condition indicates a need for morefrequent replacement. Change the filter by closing the refrigerantcooling line isolation valves. Refrigerant pressure can be relievedthrough access valves on the strainer housing. Tighten 5/8 in. flarenuts to 55 to 66 ft-lb (75 to 89 Nm).Oil Reclaim FilterThe oil reclaim system has a strainer on the eductor suction line, astrainer on the discharge pressure line, and a filter on the coolerscavenging line. Replace the filter once every 5 years or when themachine is opened for service. This filter does not contain desic-cant for moisture removal, so changing the filter will not changethe moisture indicator status. Change the filter by closing the filterisolation valves and slowly opening the flare fitting with a wrenchand back-up wrench to relieve the pressure. Change the strainersonce every 5 years or whenever refrigerant is evacuated from thecooler.Inspect Refrigerant Float SystemPerform this inspection only if the following symptoms are seen.• There is a simultaneous drop in cooler pressure and in-crease in condenser pressure. This will be accompanied byan increase in kW/Ton.• The liquid line downstream of the float valve feels warm.This indicates condenser gas flowing past the float. An in-crease in kW/Ton will also occur.1. Transfer the refrigerant into the cooler vessel or into apumpout storage tank.2. Remove the float access cover.3. Clean the chamber and valve assembly thoroughly. Besure the valve moves freely. Ensure that all openings arefree of obstructions.4. Examine the cover gasket and replace if necessary. For lin-ear style float valves inspect the orientation of the floatslide pin. It must be pointed toward the bubbler tube forproper operation.Note there are two styles of float valves in use on the 19XR prod-uct line. Linear float valve (Fig 50) and ball float valves (Fig. 51).ECONOMIZER FLOAT SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED)For two-stage compressors, the economizer has a low side balltype float system. The float refrigerant level can be observedthrough the two sight glasses located on the float cover under thecondenser. See Fig. 51 for float detail. Inspect the float every fiveyears. Clean the chamber and the float valve assembly. Be surethat the float moves freely and the ball bearings that the floatmoves on are clean.Fig. 50 — Linear Float Valve DesignFig. 51 — Economizer Float System (Two-Stage Compressor Chiller)12345678LEGEND1 — Refrigerant Inlet from FLASC Chamber2 — Linear Float Assembly3 — Float Screen4 — Bubbler Line5 — Float Cover6 — Bubbler Line Connection7 — Refrigerant Outlet to Cooler8 — Gasketa23-1632123LEGEND1 — Float Ball2 — Refrigerant Exit3 — Bearings