33*With variable flow systems this point may be configured to the lower end of the range.NOTE: Other parameters: Screens are normally left at the default settings; they may be changed as required.Table 9 — Typical Job Site Parameters(Main MenuConfiguration MenuOption Configuration [for all Starter/VFD options])PARAMETER TABLEAUTO RESTART OPTION CONF_OPT — Disable/EnableCOMMON SENSOR OPTION CONF_OPT — Disable/EnableEC (HGBP) VALVE OPTION CONF_OPT — 0=No EC valve, 1= Continuous (two contactor control - one to open, one to close withfeedback of fully closed and open position), 2= on/off (1 contactor control - either on or off and nofeedback), 3 = mA (control by 4-20 mA signal with feedback)EC VALVE SELECTION CONF_OPT - 0 = Disable, 1=Surge (EC valve activates when surge prevention is high), 2= Low Load (ECvalves activates based on IGV position and delta T for low load operation). EC valve is to Open when IGVposition is less than the configured ECV Open IGV1 Position and (cooling mode) the water Delta T (ECW-LCW) is less than or equal to ECV On DT for Low Load minus ECV Low Load DB. EC valve is to Closewhen IGV position is greater than the ECV Close IGV1 Position and (cooling mode) water Delta T isgreater than the ECV Off DT for Low Load plus ECV Low Load DB. 3=Combined (EC valves controlled byboth surge and low load algorithms)HEAD PRESSURE VALVE OPTION CONF_OPT — Disable/EnableTOWER FAN HIGH SETPOINT CONF_OPT — default 75 FREFRIGERANT LEAKAGE OPTION CONF_OPT — Disable/EnableREFRIGERATE LEAKAGE ALARM MA CONF_OPT — value when leakage alarm 265 is activated if refrigerant leakage option = EnableOIL EXV OPTION CONF_OPT — Disable/EnableCUSTOMER ALERT OPTION CONF_OPT — Disable/EnableICE BUILD OPTION CONF_OPT — Disable/EnableICE BUILD RECYCLE CONF_OPT — Disable/EnableICE BUILD TERMINATION SOURCE CONF_OPT — 1= Temperature, 2=Contact (stop when contact=open), 3= bothWATER PRESSURE OPTION CONF_OPT — 0=No, 1= Pressure, 2= Differential Pressure (add pressure sensors and enter a knownflow vs. pressure drop for both evap and condenser). Note flow is in GPS = GPM/60WATER FLOW MEASUREMENT CONF_OPT — 0=No, 1=Flow Meter (4-20 mA input), 2= Differential Flow Metermination*WATER FLOW DETERMINATION CONF_OPT — 0=Saturated Temperature, 1= Flow Switch*EVAP LIQUID TEMP OPTION CONF_OPT — Disable/EnableEVAP APPROACH CALCULATIONSELECTION CONF_OPT — 0= Saturated temperature (based on pressure reading), 1=Refrigerant TemperatureREMOTE STOP CONTACT CONF_OPT — Disable/EnableTable 10 — Typical Job Site Parameters(Main MenuConfiguration MenuGeneral Configuration [for all Starter/VFD options])PARAMETER TABLEDEMAND LIMIT TYPE GENCONF - 0=Base Demand, 1=4-20mAPULLDOWN RAMP TYPE GENCONF - 0=Temperature, 1= LoadDEMAND LIMIT SOURCE GENCONF - 0=Amperes, 1= kW