23Lubrication ControlAs part of the pre-start checks executed by the controls, the oilsump temperature is compared to the evaporator saturated refrig-erant temperature. If the oil temperature is less than 140F (60C)and less than evaporator saturated refrigerant temperature plus50°F (27.8°C), the start-up will be delayed until either of theseconditions is no longer true. Once this temperature is confirmed,the start-up continues.The oil heater relay is energized whenever the chiller compressoris off and the oil sump temperature is less than 140F (60C) or theoil sump temperature is less than the evaporator saturated refriger-ant temperature plus 53°F (29.4°C). The oil heater is turned offwhen either of the following conditions is true:• Oil sump temperature is more than 152F (66.7C)• Oil sump temperature is more than 144F (62.2C) andmore than the evaporator saturated refrigerant temperatureplus 55°F (30.6°C)The oil heater is always off when the compressor is running. Theoil pump is also energized for 30 seconds after each 30 minutes ofoil heat relay being energized in order to stir the oil for more even-ly distributed heating. For 19XR6/7 the oil pump stir frequencyhas options.Fig. 23 — Control Timing Sequencefor Normal Start-UpShutdownThe unit can be stopped locally using the HMI by pressing thegreen Start/Stop icon . The Unit Start/Stop screen is displayed.Press Confirm Stop (see Fig. 24).Fig. 24 — Confirm StopBEFORE INITIAL START-UPJob Data Required• list of applicable design temperatures and pressures (prod-uct data submittal)• chiller certified prints• starting equipment details and wiring diagrams• diagrams and instructions for special controls or options• 19XR Installation InstructionsEquipment Required• mechanic’s tools (refrigeration)• digital volt-ohmmeter (DVM)• true RMS (root mean square) digital multimeter withclamp-on current probe or true RMS digital clamp-on am-meter for at least 480 vac• electronic leak detector• absolute pressure manometer or wet-bulb vacuum indica-tor (see Fig. 25)• insulation tester for compressor motor rated at motor de-sign voltageFig. 25 — Electronic Micron GageRemove Shipping PackagingRemove any packaging material from the unit and starter.Open Oil Circuit ValvesCheck to ensure the oil filter isolation valves are open by remov-ing the valve cap and checking the valve stem.A B C D E F G O/AA — START INITIATED: Pre-start checks are made; evaporator pumpstarted.*B — Condenser water pump started (5 seconds after A).C — Water flows verified (30 seconds to 5 minutes maximum after B).Chilled water temperatures checked against control point. Guidevanes checked for closure. Oil pump started; tower fan controlenabled.D — Oil pressure verified (15 seconds minimum, 300 seconds maximumafter C).E — Compressor motor starts; compressor ontime and service ontimestart, 15-minute inhibit timer starts (10 seconds after D), total com-pressor starts advances by one, and the number of starts over a12-hour period advances by one.F — SHUTDOWN INITIATED — Compressor motor stops; compressorontime and service ontime stop, and 1-minute inhibit timer starts.G — Oil pump and evaporator pumps de-energized (60 seconds after F).Condenser pump and tower fan control may continue to operate ifcondenser pressure is high. Evaporator pump may continue if inRECYCLE mode.O/A — Restart permitted (both inhibit timers expired: minimum of 15 min-utes after E; minimum of 1 minute after F).* Auto Restart After Power Failure Timing sequence will be faster.