21Table 2 — Major PIC 6 Components andPanel LocationsNOTE: For detailed information about the PIC 6 HMI (humanmachine interface), see the 19XR with PIC 6 Controls Operationand Troubleshooting manual.START-UP/SHUTDOWN/RECYCLE SEQUENCELocal Start/Stop ControlLocal start-up (or manual start-up) is initiated by pressing the grayStart/Stop icon on the HMI interface. See Fig. 19. Note the displaymay change based on product type and options selected.Fig. 19 — Chiller Start/Stop IconThis initiates the PIC 6 starting sequence by displaying the list ofoperating modes. Press Local On to initiate start-up. See Fig. 20.Fig. 20 — Local OnNOTE: Prior to start-up, the start-to-start timer and the stop-to-start timer must have elapsed and all alarms must be cleared (seeTroubleshooting Guide section on page 53).When start-up is initiated, the status screen displays start-up prog-ress and the Start/Stop icon blinks green. Once local start-upbegins, the PIC 6 control system performs a series of pre-start teststo verify that all pre-start alerts and safeties are within acceptablelimits. Table 3 shows appropriate Prestart Alerts/Alarms condi-tions. If a test is not successful, the start-up is delayed or aborted.If the tests are successful, the start-up will be in progress and theCOMPRESSOR RUN STATUS shall be “Startup.” The controlshall then energize the chilled water/brine pump relay.Five seconds later, the condenser pump relay energizes. Thirtyseconds later the PIC 6 control system monitors the chilled waterand condenser water flow devices and waits until the WATERFLOW VERIFY TIME (operator-configured, default 5 minutes)expires to confirm flow. After flow is verified, the chilled watertemperature is compared to CONTROL POINT plus 1/2CHILLED WATER DEADBAND. If the temperature is less thanor equal to this value, the PIC 6 control system turns off the con-denser pump relay and goes into a Recycle mode.If the water/brine temperature is high enough, the start-up se-quence continues and checks the guide vane position. If the guidevanes are more than 4% open, the start-up waits until the PIC 6control system closes the vanes. If the vanes are closed and the oilpump pressure is less than 6 psi (41.4 kPa), the oil pump relay en-ergizes. The PIC 6 control system then waits until the oil pressure(OIL PRESS VERIFY TIME, operator-configured, default of 40seconds) reaches 18 psi (124 kPa) which indicates satisfactorilyoil pump pressure to continue startup. After oil pressure is veri-fied, the PIC control system waits 40 seconds, and the compressorstart relay energizes to start the compressor. Compressor ontimeand service ontime timers start, and the compressor STARTS IN 12HOURS counter and the number of starts over a 12-hour periodcounter advance by one.Failure to verify any of the requirements up to this point will resultin the PIC 6 control system aborting the start and displaying theapplicable pre-start alert alarm state number near the bottom of thehome screen on the HMI panel. A prestart failure does not ad-vance the STARTS IN 12 HOURS counter. Any failure after thestart command relay has energized results in a safety shutdown,advances the starts in 12 hours counter by one, and displays theapplicable shutdown status on the display.For normal start-up the minimum time to complete the entire pre-start sequence is approximately 185 seconds. See Fig. 23 for nor-mal start-up timing sequence. See Table 3 for a list of prestartchecks.Table 3 — Prestart Checks* If Prestart Check Condition is True, then resulting State is as indicated in theState Number column.† See the Controls Operation and Troubleshooting guide for alarm and alert codes.** Refrig trip point = 33°F (0.6°C) (water) and configurable for brine application.PIC 6 COMPONENT PANEL LOCATIONChiller Human Machine Interface (HMI)and DisplayHMI Control PanelIntegrated Starter Module (ISM) Starter CabinetMotor Starter Protection Module (e.gISM, MX3 or drive control)Starter/VFD dependentChiller IO Boards and Field WiringTerminal BlocksControl PanelOil Heater Contactor (1C) 19XR2-E; Power Panel19XR6-7: Control PanelOil Pump Contactor (2C) 19XR2-E; Power Panel19XR6-7: Control PanelHot Gas Bypass Relays (HCLR, HOPR)(Optional)19XR2-E; Power Panel19XR6-7: Control PanelControl Transformers (T1, T2, T3) 19XR2-E; Power Panel19XR6-7: Control PanelTemperature Sensors See Fig. 21 and Fig. 22Pressure Transducers See Fig. 21 and Fig. 22PRESTART CHECK CONDITION* STATENUMBER†STARTS IN 12 HOURS 8 (not counting recycle restarts or autorestarts after power failure) Alert – 100OIL SUMP TEMP 140°F (60°C) and OIL SUMP TEMP EVAP_-SAT + 50°F (27.8°C) Alert – 101COND PRESSURE COND PRESS OVERRIDE – 20 psi Alert – 102#RECYCLE RESTARTS LAST 4 HOURS > 5 Alert – 103COMP BEARING TEMPS ³ COMP BEARING ALERT– 10°F (5.6°C) Alarm – 230COMP MOTOR WINDING TEMP ³ MOTOR TEMP OVERRIDE –10°F (5.6°C) Alarm – 231COMP DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE COMP DISCHARGEALERT– 10°F (5.6°C) Alarm – 232EVAP_SAT Alarm – 233EVAP REFRIG LIQUID TEMP < EVAP REFRIG LIGUID TEMP)** +EVAP OVERRIDE DELTA T Alarm – 233AVERAGE LINE VOLTAGE UNDERVOLTAGE THRESHOLD Alarm – 234AVERAGE LINE VOLTAGE OVERVOLTAGETHRESHOLD Alarm – 235CHECK FOR GUIDE VANE CALIBRATION Alarm – 236