32PASSWORDThe PIC 6 control system provides different levels of access: Ba-sic access, User access, and Service access. User access providesaccess to the chiller controls such as Setpoint, Schedules, Time/date and Water Reset menu along with the ability to reading keyinput and output values pressures and temperatures. Factory userhas access to factory tables - this is required in order to properlyset up the chiller during commissioning. The PIC 6 default pass-word configurations are as follows:• Basic: No password required• User: 1111 (factory default)• Factory: Access Only authorized with Carrier SmartServiceUSER CONFIGURATION allows change of the User accesspassword. Passwords must be from 1 to 5 digits (range from 1 to65535).LOGIN/LOGOUTPress the lock icon on the home screen to enter the password. SeeFig. 31.Fig. 31 — Lock IconFor access levels higher than Basic there are two options. UserLogin (default password 1111) gives limited access to chiller ta-bles. For full access a Service Login is required. Service Login re-quires either Carrier SmartService web access or the SmartServiceapp on a connected mobile device.Fig. 32 — User Login ScreenThe User Login Screen is displayed. Enter the password on thisscreen. See Fig 32. The language and system of measurementcan also be changed on this screen. For details, see the 19XRwith PIC 6 Controls Operation and Troubleshooting guide.ENGLISH/METRIC UNITSTo change PIC display from English to metric units or to changethe default language, select the Globe icon; see Fig. 33. The Globeicon is next to the Lock icon (Fig. 31).Fig. 33 — Unit SelectionINPUT TIME AND DATESet day and time and if applicable Holidays through Main Menu System Configuration Date/time Configuration. See theControls Operation and Troubleshooting guide for details. Be-cause a schedule is integral to the chiller control sequence, thechiller will not start until the time and date have been set.MODIFY CONTROLLER IDENTIFICATION IF NECESSARYThe module address can be changed from the ConfigurationMenu. Change this address under CONTROL IDENTIFICA-TION for each chiller if there is more than one chiller at thejobsite. Write the new address on the HMI module for futurereference.CONFIGURE AND VERIFY FACTORY PARAMETERTABLES(Service Password Required)Access the Factory Parameters table through Main MenuConfiguration Menu to modify or view the job site parameters.The applicable configuration tables are dependent upon the starter/VFD type and manufacturer. For all factory unit-mounted equip-ment all starter configurations should be completed at the factory,but will need to be verified during chiller commissioning.For starters without ISM, the appropriate starter selection must beconfigured through Main Menu →Configuration Menu→Factory Parameters →VFD Option.Options are as follows:0 = No (for ISM controlled starter)1 = Free Standing VFD [North America options: Toshiba VFD,Allen Bradley PF7000, PowerFlex 700L (unit mount)]3 = Rockwell LF2 (LiquiFlo2)4 = Eaton (LCX9000)5 = Rockwell STD (Allen Bradley PowerFlex 755)8 = Benshaw (Wye-delta or Solid State starters with MX3(TM) and no ISM)For constant speed machines verify all listed parameters in ISMConfiguration. Similarly, for unit-mounted VFDs verify all pa-rameters listed in UM VFD Configuration Tables 9 and 10. Verifyagainst chiller electrical nameplates.For units that are doing native communicating Modbus withouta UPC gateway ensure that the Modbus Gateway Option inMain Menu→ Configuration Menu→ Mb Mst Configurationis changed to 0=Native along with baud rate and Slave DeviceAddress. Baud rate is typically 9,600 and slave address is 1.IMPORTANT: Be sure to remember the password. Retain acopy for future reference. Without the password, access to willnot be possible unless accessed by a Carrier representative.NOTE: Password is validated after user presses the log-in icon.