31above unit pressure. Oil should only be charged or removedwhen the chiller is shut down.Power Up Controls and Check Oil HeaterEnsure that an oil level is visible in the compressor and the chilleris not in a vacuum before energizing the controls. Typically for19XR2-E a circuit breaker in the starter energizes the oil heaterand the control circuit. For 19XR6/7 oil heater and control circuitis powered from the control panel.The oil heater is energized by powering the control circuit. Thisshould be done several hours before start-up to minimize oil-re-frigerant migration. The oil heater is controlled by the PIC 6 and ispowered through a contactor in the power panel (19XR2-E) con-trol panel (19XR6/7). A separate circuit breaker powers the heater,oil pump, and the control circuit. This arrangement allows theheater to energize when the main motor circuit breaker is off forservice work or extended shutdowns.Software ConfigurationSee the 19XR with PIC 6 Controls Operation and Troubleshootingmanual for instructions on using the PIC 6 interface to configurethe 19XR unit. As the unit is configured, all configuration settingsshould be written down. A log, such as the one shown on pagesCL-1 to CL-11, provides a list for configuration values for futurereference. When installing new software ensure to select to keepall configuration data so all data does not have to be reenteredmanually.Input the Design Set PointsTo access the set point screen, press the Main Menu icon on thehome screen. See Fig. 28.Fig. 28 — Main Menu IconThe Main Menu screen is displayed. Press the Set Point Table icon(Fig. 29). Note that Login level must exceed Basic to have accessto this set point.Fig. 29 — Main Menu — Set Point Table IconThe set point screen is displayed (see Fig. 30). Set the base de-mand limit set point, and either the LCW set point or the ECW setpoint. To set a value, press the appropriate set point, enter the val-ue, and press OK. For more information, see the 19XR with PIC 6Controls Operation and Troubleshooting manual.Fig. 30 — Set Point Table ScreenInput the Local Occupied ScheduleAccess the schedule screen and set up the occupied time schedule ac-cording to the customer’s requirements. If no schedule is available,the default is factory set for 24 hours occupied, 7 days per week in-cluding holidays. The Schedule Menu as well as the Holiday Menucan be reached through the Configuration Menu (see Appendix A onpage 110 for an overview of the available menus). When the controlmode is LOCAL SCHEDULE, the chiller will be automaticallystarted if the configured local schedule is occupied; it will be shutdown by the unoccupied schedule, EMSTOP software point, STOPbutton on HMI screen, or remote emergency stop contact.The Network Schedule should be configured if a CCN system isbeing installed. When control mode is NETWORK, the chiller canbe started and stopped by the CHIL_S_S software point as writtenby other equipment through the network command and networkschedule. The chiller can be shut down by EMSTOP softwarepoint and remote emergency stop contact.For more information about setting time schedules, see the 19XRwith PIC 6 Controls Operation and Troubleshooting manual.Input Service ConfigurationsFor specific values for the following configurations, refer to thechiller performance data or job-specific data sheet:• password• log in/logout• input time and date• service parameters• equipment configuration• automated control testWARNINGDo not operate the chiller before the control configurationshave been checked and a Control Test has been satisfactorilycompleted. Protection by safety controls cannot be assumeduntil all control configurations have been confirmed. Do notassume the values in the chiller are correct. They should matchthe chiller labels and data sheets for the selection. If you havequestions contact the Carrier Technical Service Manager orService Engineering.