49• Frame E compressor — 15.3 gal (57.9 L)• Frame 5 compressor — 22.5 gal (85.2 L)• Frame 6 compressor — 28.5 gal (107.9 L)• Frame 7 compressor — 44.4 gal (168 L)The added oil must meet Carrier specifications for the 19XRchiller. Refer to Changing Oil Filter and Oil Changes sections.Any additional oil that is added should be logged by noting theamount and date. Any oil that is added due to oil loss that is not re-lated to service will eventually return to the sump. It must be re-moved when the level is high.An oil heater is controlled by the PIC 6 control system to maintainoil temperature (see the 19XR with PIC 6 Controls Operation andTroubleshooting manual) when the compressor is off. If the PIC 6control system shows that the heater is energized and if the sumpis still not heating up, the power to the oil heater may be off or theoil level may be too low. Check the oil level, the oil heater contac-tor voltage, and oil heater resistance.The PIC 6 control system does not permit compressor start-up ifthe oil temperature is too low. The PIC 6 control system continueswith start-up only after the temperature is within allowable limits.SCHEDULED MAINTENANCEEstablish a regular maintenance schedule based on your actualchiller requirements such as chiller load, run hours, and waterquality. The time intervals listed in this section are offered asguides to service only.Service OntimeThe HMI will display a SERVICE ONTIME value on the MAINMENU RUN TIMES screen. This value should be reset tozero by the service person or the operator each time major servicework is completed so that the time between service events can beviewed and tracked.Inspect the Control PanelMaintenance consists of general cleaning and tightening of con-nections. Vacuum the cabinet to eliminate dust build-up. If thechiller control malfunctions, refer to the Troubleshooting Guidesection on page 53 for control checks and adjustments.Changing Oil FilterChange the oil filter on a yearly basis or when the chiller is openedfor repairs. The 19XR chiller has an isolatable oil filter so that thefilter may be changed with the refrigerant remaining in the chiller.Use the following procedure:1. Ensure the compressor is off and the disconnect for thecompressor is open.2. Disconnect the power to the oil pump.3. Close the oil filter isolation valves.4. Close the isolation valves located on both ends of the oilfilter. Have rags and a catch basin available to collect oilspillage.5. Equalize the filter’s higher internal pressure to ambient byconnecting an oil charging hose to the Schrader valve onthe oil filter housing. Collect the oil-refrigerant mixturewhich is discharged.6. Remove the oil filter assembly by loosening the hex nutson both ends of the filter assembly.7. Insert the replacement filter assembly with the arrow onthe housing pointing away from the oil pump.8. Rotate the assembly so that the Schrader drain valve is ori-ented at the bottom, and tighten the connection nut on eachend to a torque of approximately 30 ft-lb (41 N-m).9. Evacuate the filter housing by placing a vacuum pump onthe charging valve. Follow the normal evacuation proce-dures. Shut the charging valve when done and reconnectthe valve so that new oil can be pumped into the filterhousing. Fill with the same amount that was removed;then close the charging valve.10. Remove the hose from the charging valve, open the isola-tion valves to the filter housing, and turn on the power tothe pump and the motor.Oil SpecificationIf oil is added, it must meet Carrier specifications. For units usingR-134a/R-513A, use inhibited polyolester-based synthetic com-pressor oil formatted for use with HFC, gear-driven, hermeticcompressors, with ISO Viscosity Grade 68. The polyolester-basedoil (P/N: PP23BZ103) may be ordered from your local Carrierrepresentative.Oil ChangesCarrier recommends that a yearly oil analysis be performed todetermine when to change oil and when to perform a compressorinspection. However, if yearly analysis is not performed or avail-able, the time between oil changes should be no longer than 5years. Additionally Carrier recommends vibration measurementdone at regular intervals to obtain a signature of the movingcompressor parts as part of a total preventive maintenance(TPM) program.TO CHANGE THE OIL1. Transfer the refrigerant into the chiller condenser vessel(for isolatable vessels) or to a pumpout storage tank.2. Mark the existing oil level.3. Open the control and oil heater circuit breaker.4. When the chiller pressure is 5 psig (34 kPa) or less, drainthe oil reservoir by opening the oil charging valve (Fig. 3-5). Slowly open the valve against refrigerant pressure.5. Change the oil filter at this time. See Changing Oil Filtersection.6. Change the refrigerant filter at this time. See the next sec-tion, Refrigerant Filter.7. Charge the chiller with oil. Charge until the oil level isequal to the oil level marked in Step 2. Turn on the powerto the oil heater and let the PIC 6 warm it up to at least140°F (60°C). Operate the oil pump manually, using theControl Test function, for 2 minutes. For shutdown condi-tions, the oil level should be full in the lower sight glass. Ifthe oil level is above 1 /2 full in the upper sight glass,remove the excess oil. The oil level should now be equalto the amount shown in Step 2.Refrigerant FilterA refrigerant filter/drier, located on the refrigerant cooling line tothe motor, should be changed once a year or more often if filtercondition indicates a need for more frequent replacement. Changethe filter by closing the filter isolation valves (Fig. 3-5) and slowlyopening the flare fittings with a wrench and back-up wrench to re-lieve the pressure. A moisture indicator sight glass is located be-yond this filter to indicate the volume and moisture in the refriger-ant. If the moisture indicator indicates moisture, locate the sourceof water immediately by performing a thorough leak check.WARNINGEnsure power to the starter is isolated when cleaning and tight-ening connections inside the starter enclosure. Failure to dis-connect power could result in electrocution. The oil filterhousing is at a high pressure. Relieve this pressure slowly.Failure to do so could result in serious personal injury.WARNINGThe oil filter housing is at a high pressure. Relieve this pres-sure slowly. Failure to do so could result in serious personalinjury.