v Restore Passwords - This menu item restores the factory default RMU Adminuser access password.v Restore all - This menu item restores all factory default settings (refer toTable 5-4).v Restore Library Config - This menu item restores your saved libraryconfiguration from a USB device. If you have more than one saved configurationfile (.dbb) on your USB device, press Select, then use the up and down keys tomove between the different files. When the correct configuration file isdisplayed, press Select again.v Save Library Config - This menu item saves your library configuration to a USBdevice.Note: Ensure the USB device is formatted for FAT12, FAT16, or FAT32 and doesnot use autorun files.Note: Configuration files saved with one version of library firmware may not becompatible with other versions of firmware. It is recommended to save aconfiguration file each time the library firmware is upgraded. Restore thelibrary using a configuration file that was saved with the same version offirmware currently installed in the library.Important: Restoring factory defaults will wipe out all the previous configurationdata. Factory defaults must be restored when the library drive is changed from aLTO half height to full height configuration, in order for the library to correct theelement addressing and drive numbering. If a new drive is added to the libraryconfiguration, a restore factory default is not required.Table 5-4. Factory Default SettingsRestored Item Default Setting* CommentsAutoclean DisabledLogical Libraries 1Active Slots Maximum number of slots in libraryminus I/O StationI/O Station Enabled 2U library has 1-slot I/O Station.4Ulibrary has 3-slot I/O Station.Encryption None License Key is protected, ifpreviously entered.Ethernet Setting AutoDHCP Enabled Note: DNS server addresses, ifavailable, will be automaticallyassigned. If the DHCP server doesnot find any DNS server, the DNSfields will be set to "".Network IP Mode IPv4 OnlyBar Code Label Length Reported toHost8SNMP DisabledEmail Notifications NoneUser Access Restore from Operator Control Panelor Web User InterfaceAdmin secure (default)5-28 Dell PowerVault TL2000 Tape Library and TL4000 Tape Library User's Guide