5. Add the /LUNS switch to the load line of the appropriate SCSI driver. If a dualchannel card is installed and you are unsure which channel the LUN device isattached to, simply edit both lines.LOAD ADPT160M.HAM SLOT=201 /LUNSLOAD ADPT160M.HAM SLOT=202 /LUNS6. After the STARTUP.NCF file has been edited, save the file and reboot the serverto activate the new STARTUP.NCF.7. Upon reboot navigate to the System Console and type scan all. This will starta scan of all the LUNS on each adapter.8. When the scan is complete, verify the LUN device has been detected using thelist storage adapters command. Typical output with both the tape drive andloader being recognized:0x08 [V321-A3] Adaptec SCSI Card 39160/3960D - Ultra160 SCSI [slot 201]0x16 [V321-A3-D5:1] DELL PV-124T 00310x15 [V321-A3-D5:0] IBM ULT3580-TD3 5BG20x09 [V321-A4] Adaptec SCSI Card 39160/3960D - Ultra160 SCSI [slot 202]Netware may display unbound device, meaning a driver is not bound to theloader unless a driver from a backup software is loaded. This does not preventthe backup application from detecting the LUN and binding the appropriatedriver.Note: The command scan all must be typed upon OS boot every time. Ifbackup software services automatically start on OS boot, you mustdisable them, run the scan all command, and re-enable the services.Appendix D. Enabling LUN Support in Linux D-3