136Setting items Setting detailsDIGITALSet this to change the digitalinput connectors assignedto the input sources.CBL/SAT DVDBlu-ray GAMEAUX1 AUX2MEDIA PLAYER CDTV AUDIOCOAX 1 / COAX 2 / OPT 1 / OPT 2 : Assign a digital input connector to theselected input source.D.LINK : Assign the Denon Link HD connector when the Denon Link HDconnection is established to a player compatible with the Denon Link HDfunction (vpage 13).– : Do not assign a digital input connector to the selected input source.• At time of purchase, the settings of the different input sources are asshown below.Inputsource CBL/SAT DVD Blu-ray GAME AUX1Defaultsetting COAX 1 COAX 2 D.LINK – –Inputsource AUX2 MEDIAPLAYER CD TV AUDIODefaultsetting – – OPT 2 OPT 1ANALOGSet this to change theanalog audio inputconnectors assigned to theinput sources.CBL/SAT DVDBlu-ray GAMEAUX1 AUX2MEDIA PLAYER CDTV AUDIO1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / Front : Assign a analog input connector to the selectedinput source.– : Do not assign a analog input connector to the selected input source.• At time of purchase, the settings of the different input sources are asshown below.Inputsource CBL/SAT DVD Blu-ray GAME AUX1Defaultsetting 1 2 3 4 FrontInputsource AUX2 MEDIAPLAYER CD TV AUDIODefaultsetting – 6 5 –InputsSetting items Setting detailsCOMP(Component video)Set this to change thecomponent video inputconnectors assigned to theinput sources.CBL/SAT DVDBlu-ray GAMEAUX1 AUX2MEDIA PLAYER CDTV AUDIO1 / 2 / 3 : Assign the component video input connector to the selectedinput source.– : Do not assign a component video input connector to the selected inputsource.• At time of purchase, the settings of the different input sources are asshown below.Inputsource CBL/SAT DVD Blu-ray GAME AUX1Defaultsetting 1 2 3 – –Inputsource AUX2 MEDIAPLAYER CD TV AUDIODefaultsetting – – – –VIDEOSet this to change thecomposite video inputconnectors assigned to theinput sources.CBL/SAT DVDBlu-ray GAMEAUX1 AUX2MEDIA PLAYER CDTV AUDIO1 / 2 / 3 / Front : Assign the video input connector to the selected inputsource.– : Do not assign a video input connector to the selected input source.• At time of purchase, the settings of the different input sources are asshown below.Inputsource CBL/SAT DVD Blu-ray GAME AUX1Defaultsetting 1 2 – – FrontInputsource AUX2 MEDIAPLAYER CD TV AUDIODefaultsetting – 3 – –Set DefaultsThe “Input Assign” settingsare returned to the defaultsettings.Reset : Reset to the defaults.Cancel : Do not reset to the defaults.If you select “Set Defaults” and press ENTER,the message “Reset to the default values?”is displayed. Select “Reset” or “Cancel”, andthen press ENTER.