8 What you need to know about SmartWire-DT8.6 Faults on the SWD line96 SmartWire-DT Gateway EU5C-SWD-EIP-MODTCP 08/17 MN120003Z EN www.eaton.com"Wrong" or faulty moduleAn “incorrect” module is one that SWD coordinator finds which, when deter-mining the actual configuration, is not expected in the target configuration.This means that if you replace a pushbutton actuator with one of the sametype when the SWD line is switched off, it will be identified as an “incorrect”module by the SWD coordinator.An “incorrect” SWD module on the SWD line can only be found on startupsince the replacement of an SWD module is not permitted when the deviceis switched on. The following therefore distinguishes which cases an “incor-rect” module can occur on an SWD line after startup.If the SWD coordinator determines that an SWD module of the actual config-uration does not match the target configuration, it defines it as an “wrong”module. The DIAG diagnostic bit stays at 0.The same response also takes place if SWD coordinator finds more moduleson the SWD line than is stored in the target configuration.With a "wrong" module the SWD line does not go into operation. The ConfigLED is green, the continuous light; the SWD-LED is not flashing red.You may wish to permit the “incorrect” module, because, for example, youwish to replace a faulty SWD module with a new one. Perhaps you wish toreplace an SWD module with a compatible SWD module or with a universalmodule. In that case read further in → Section “ "Compatible devices per-missible" is enabled”, page 94 and → Section “ "Can be replaced with uni-versal module" is enabled”, page 94.In any case, you will have to press the "Config" configuration button.→ Bear in mind that the serial number of the module is also exam-ined for matching as well as the module type.