6 Parameters6.6 Parameter lock108 DE1 variable speed starter 09/14 MN040011EN www.eaton.com6.6 Parameter lockThe DE1 variable speed starter's parameters can be protected from misuse.This function can be used to ensure that only authorized people will be ableto make changes to the parameters. To block access to all parameters,set P-39 to 1 (ro = read only).Exception: Parameter P-14 will always be accessible. The access source forthe parameter is defined in P-41.By default, only the "basic parameters" (P-01 through P-14) will be accessibleand editable. To access all parameters, code 101 (default code) needsto be entered in parameter P-14. This access code can be changed inparameter P-38.The following example shows the steps required in order to lock the device'sparameters (provided the corresponding default settings are still being used).It is important to follow the steps in the specified order:1. P-14 = 101 Default access code used to access all parameters(makes it possible to select P-39).2. P-38 = 123 New access code (example).3. P-14 = 123 Test: The new code unlocks access to all parameters.4. P-39 = 1 Parameter lock. All parameters will be switched to read-only status. It will not be possible to enter values for anyparameter (with the exception of P-39). The DX-KEY-LEDkeypad's display will shown an L ("Lock") in its leftsegment.5. P-14 Note:Parameter P-14 will still be showing the new access code(123).6. P-14 ≠123 A value other than 123 needs to be entered for parameterP-14! After this value is entered, only parameters P-01through P-14 will continue to be accessible. All otherparameters will remain inaccessible until the new accesscode (123) is entered. After doing so, the parameter lockcan be unlocked by setting P-39 to 0.→ With the exception of password P-38, locked parameter sets canbe read with a computer ("drivesConnect" parameterconfiguration software) or with a keypad (DX-KEY-…) (read-only).Locked parameter sets can be copied to a DE1 variable speedstarter with a computer ("drivesConnect" parameterconfiguration software) or a DX-COM-STICK, provided theparameter set is not locked in the DE1 variable speed starter.