IBefore commencing the installation• Disconnect the power supply of the device.• Ensure that devices cannot be accidentally retriggered• Verify isolation from the supply• Ground and short-circuit.• Cover or enclose neighbouring units that are live.• Follow the engineering instructions (IL) of the deviceconcerned.• Only suitably qualified personnel in accordance withEN 50110-1/-2 (VDE 0105 Part 100) may work on thisdevice/system.• Before installation and before touching the device ensurethat you are free of electrostatic charge.• The functional earth (FE) must be connected to theprotective earth (PE) or to the potential equalizing. Thesystem installer is responsible for implementing thisconnection.• Connecting cables and signal lines should be installed sothat inductive or capacitive interference do not impair theautomation functions.• Install automation devices and related operating elementsin such a way that they are well protected againstunintentional operation.• Suitable safety hardware and software measures shouldbe implemented for the I/O interface so that a cable orwire breakage on the signal side does not result inundefined states in the automation device.• Ensure a reliable electrical isolation of the low voltage forthe 24 V supply. Only use power supply units complyingwith IEC 60364-4-41 or HD 384.4.41 S2 (VDE 0100 part 410).• Deviations of the mains voltage from the nominal valuemust not exceed the tolerance limits given in the technicaldata, otherwise this may cause malfunction anddangerous operation.• Emergency-Stop devices complying with IEC/EN 60204-1must be effective in all operating modes of the automationdevices. Unlatching the emergency switching off devicesmust not cause restart.• Built-in devices for enclosures or cabinets must only berun and operated in an installed state, desk-top devices orportable devices only when the housing is closed.• Measures should be taken to ensure the proper restart ofprograms interrupted after a voltage dip or failure. Thisshould not cause dangerous operating states even for ashort time. If necessary, emergency switching off devicesshould be implemented.• Wherever faults in the automation system may causedamage to persons or property, external measures mustbe implemented to ensure a safe operating state in theevent of a fault or malfunction (for example, by means ofseparate limit switches, mechanical interlocks, etc.).• During operation, and depending on their degree ofprotection, variable frequency drives may have live,uninsulated, moving, and/or rotating parts, as well as hotsurfaces.• The impermissible removal of the required cover,improper installation or incorrect operation of the motor orvariable frequency drive can cause the failure of thedevice and serious injury and/or material damage.• Comply with all applicable national accident preventionregulations (e.g. B. BGV 4) when working with energizedvariable frequency drives.• The electrical installation must be carried out inaccordance with the relevant regulations (e.g. with regardto cable cross sections, fuses, PE).• All transport, installation, commissioning andmaintenance work must only be carried out by trainedpersonnel (observe IEC 60364, HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100and national accident prevention regulations).• If applicable, systems in which variable frequency drivesare installed must be equipped with additional monitoringand protective devices in accordance with the applicablesafety regulations, e.g., the German Equipment andProduct Safety Act, accident prevention regulations, etc.Making changes to the variable frequency drives by usingthe operating software is allowed.• Keep all covers and doors closed during operation.• When designing the machine, the user must incorporatemechanisms and measures that limit the consequences ofa drive controller malfunction or failure (an increase inmotor speed or the motor's sudden stop) so as to preventhazards to people and property, e.g.:– Additional stand-alone devices for monitoringparameters that are relevant to safety (speed, travel,end positions, etc.)– Electrical and non-electrical safety devices (interlocksor mechanical locks) for mechanisms that protect theentire system.– Due to the possibility of there being capacitors that arestill holding a charge, do not touch live device parts orterminals immediately after disconnecting the variablefrequency drives from the supply voltage. Heed thecorresponding labels on the variable frequency drives.Eaton Industries GmbHSafety instructionsDanger!Dangerous electrical voltage!