7 Modbus RTU7.3 Control terminal functions with Modbus RTUDE1 variable speed starter 09/14 MN040011EN www.eaton.com 117The activated operating direction will depend on the digital input being driven(DI1, DI2) and on the value in command ID1, bit 1.Table 37: Operating direction based on digital inputs DI1 and DI2The reference input for the DE1 device using analog control terminal 4 (AI1)will be disabled. In addition to a reference via Modbus RTU, it will also bepossible to set reference values directly with the control terminals:• Fixed frequencies (FF1 to FF4), coded in binary with FF20 and FF2 1• Digitally setting the setpoint value with the UP and DOWN commands(P-15 = 4, 5, 6).In addition to fixed frequency FF1, which can be activated directly, fixedfrequencies (FF1 to FF4) can be selected by using the binary-coded FF2 0and FF21 inputs.Table 38: Fixed frequenciesDI1(ENA)DI2(ENADIR)Modbus RTUcommand (ID1)Direction ofrotating field(Motor)H = FWD L Bit0 = 1 Bit1 = 0 (FWD) → FWD (right)L H = REV Bit0 = 1 Bit1 = 0 (FWD) → REV (left)H = FWD L Bit0 = 1 Bit1 = 1 (REV) → REV (left)L H = REV Bit0 = 1 Bit1 = 1 (REV) → FWD (right)→ Setting the reference value with the control terminals willdisable the transfer of reference values via Modbus RTU.Fixed frequency FF2 0 FF2 1 f 2 (DS) PNUFF1 L L 20Hz P-20FF2 H L 30Hz P-21FF3 L H 40Hz P-22FF4 H H 50 Hz P-23f 2: DE1 variable speed starter output frequencyDefault setting values (DS) with the corresponding parameternumbers (PNUs).