5 DXE-EXT-SET configuration module5.3 Description and useDE1 variable speed starter 09/14 MN040011EN www.eaton.com 715.3 Description and useIn order to be able to adjust the potentiometer and rotary switch settings onthe DXE-EXT-SET configuration module, you will need a flat-bladescrewdriver (0.4 x 2.5 mm).figure 55: Screwdriver (0.4 x 2.5 mm)The settings (parameters) can be mechanically adjusted regardless ofwhether the DXE-EXT-SET configuration module is plugged into a DE1variable speed starter or not.NOTICEChanging drive-specific settings!If an "undefined" DXE-EXT-SET is plugged into a DE1 variablespeed starter that is already configured and the STATUS LED(on the DXE-EXT-SET) lights up with a yellow light, this meansthat the device's specific settings can be changed by pressingthe SET button (while the starter is in STOP mode).For example:• The control terminals' configuration (mode = P-15)• Current limitation (I Motor = P-08)• Acceleration and deceleration times (Ramp = P-03and P-04)• Fixed frequency value (FF1 = P-20)• All parameter values based on the basic frequency(50/60 Hz → P-01)→ The DE1 variable speed starter's parameters can bewrite-protected (so that they cannot be overwritten) withthe drivesConnect parameter configuration program or theDX-KEY-LED keypad by setting parameter P-39 to 1(parameter lock).Exception:Even if the starter's parameters are locked, it will be possible tochange the value of parameter P-20 (FF1) with the Fixed Freq.potentiometer on the DXE-EXT-SET configuration module.STATUSSETDXE-EXT-SET50Hz60Hzmin max25%098 7 654180s321I MotorModeFixed Freq.Ramp100%1s0.1s3s 5s10s15s30s60s120s