11 List of parametersDE1 variable speed starter 09/14 MN040011EN www.eaton.com 171P-11 139 RUN rw V-Boost 0.0 - 40.0 % 0.0 % Voltage BoostOutput voltage boost at low output frequencies.The value set here will be the start voltage andwill be calculated as a percentage of the motor'srated operating voltage (P-07). V-Boost iseffective up to approx. 50% of the motor's ratedfrequency (P09).Note:The voltage increase function will result in ahigher starting torque and will improve torquebehaviour at low speeds. In addition, the motorcurrent will be increased, resulting in increasedmotor heating.94P-12 140 RUN rw ProcessDataAccess 0 - 13 0 Process data access (control level)Used to select the control and signal paths thatwill be used.Regardless of the control level selected, theenable signal at DI1 (FWD) or DI2 (REV) willalways take priority.0: Control terminals (see P-15)1: Keypad (external option), clockwise rotatingfield (FWD) by pressing the START button2: Keypad (external option). Depending onwhether there is an enable signal at DI1 (FWD) orDI2 (REV), pressing the START button will enablea clockwise rotating field (FWD) or acounterclockwise rotating field (REV). Pressingthe START button again will reverse the operatingdirection.Note:The operating direction that is active before theSTOP command will be stored.3: Modbus RTU4 - 8: no function (reserve)9: SWD (SmartWire-DT)10: SmartWire-DT control, with frequencyreference value set using control terminal 4 (AI1,0 V)11: SmartWire-DT for frequency reference valueand control via control terminals 1 to 4 (DI1 - DI4)12: SmartWire-DT with automatic switch tocontrol terminals in case of communication loss13: SmartWire-DT and digital setpoint value (UP,DOWN) via control terminals (see P-15)98ffP-131) 141 STOP ro Last fault Most recent fault– eighth mostrecent fault- Fault log historyDisplay memory containing the eight most recentfault messages164P-14 142 RUN rw Password 0 - 65535 0 Access codePassword protection for the extended parameterset (P-15 through P-41). The password can be setusing parameter P-38.Default settings: 101108PNUModbus IDAccess right Name Value DS DescriptionpageRUN, STOPro/rw