7-2 Data subject to change without notice 7/07. © 2007 GE DrivesOvervoltage duringacceleration OU1(4) OvervoltageOvervoltage duringdeceleration OU2 Overvoltage running atconstant speed OU3Reduce the supplyvoltage to less than thespecified upper limit.Faulty drive or errordue to noise. ContactGE Drive.Is the power supply voltage within the specified value?Does OU activate when the load is suddenly removed?Does the main circuit DC link voltageexceed the protection level?Does OU alarm activatewhen acceleration iscompleted?Can the accelerationtime be prolonged?Can the deceleration time be prolonged?Can the amount of load inertia be reduced?Prolong.Reduce.Is the braking device or DC brake function in use?Inspect the braking method. Contact GE Drive.Consider using abraking system or DCbrake function.Faulty drive control circuitor error due to noise, etc.Contact GE Drive.Is the main circuit DC voltage(between P-N) higher than thedetection level specified inSection 6.1.1?The drive may be faulty.Contact GE Drive.Reset and restartoperation.Does LU activate whenthe circuit breaker ormagnetic contactor isswitched on?Is power transformercapacity adequate?Replace the faulty part andrepair the connection.Has a (momentary)power failure occurred?Faulty parts or looseconnection in the powercircuit?Is there a load requiringa large starting currentwithin the same powerdistribution group?Modify power distribution system tosatisfy the specified value.Low voltageLUIs the power supplyvoltage within thespecified value?YES YES YESYES YES YESYES YES YESYESYESNOYESNO NO NONO NO NONONONOYESNONOYES(5) Low voltage