5-22E10 Acceleration time 2E11 Deceleration time 2E12 Acceleration time 3E13 Deceleration time 3E14 Acceleration time 4E15 Deceleration time 4E 1 0 A C C T I M E 2E 1 1 D E C T I M E 2E 1 2 A C C T I M E 3E 1 3 D E C T I M E 3E 1 4 A C C T I M E 4E 1 5 D E C T I M E 4Acceleration time1 (F07) and Deceleration time1 (F08), aswell as three other acceleration and deceleration times,can be selected.The operation and setting ranges are the same as thosefor Acceleration time1 and Deceleration time1. Seeexplanations for F07 and F08.For switching acceleration and deceleration times, selectany two terminals (from Terminal X1 in E01 to Terminal X9in E09) as switching signal input terminals. Set theselected terminals to 4 (acceleration and decelerationtime1) and 5 (acceleration and deceleration time2) andinput a signal to each terminal to switch acceleration anddeceleration times. Switching is possible duringacceleration, deceleration, or constant speed operation.Example: When Terminals X2 and X3 are set to 4 and 5:E16 Torque limit 2 (drive)E17 Torque limit 2 (brake)E 1 6 D R V T R Q 2E 1 7 B R K T R Q 2This function is used to switch the torque limit level setby F40 and F41, using an external control signal. Inputan external signal by setting any of the digital inputterminals (X1 to X9) to 14 for Torque limit 2 / Torque limit1 in E01 to E09.E20 Terminal Y1 (function selection)E24 Terminals Y5A and Y5C (funtion selection)E 2 0 Y 1 F U N CE 2 1 Y 2 F U N CE 2 2 Y 3 F U N CE 2 3 Y 4 F U N CE 2 4 Y 5 F U N CSome control and monitor signals can be selected andoutput from terminals Y1 to Y5. Terminals Y1 to Y4 usetransistor output; terminals Y5A and Y5C use relaycontacts.Value Output Signal0 Drive Running (RUN)1 Frequency arrival (FAR)2 Frequency detection (FDT1)3 Stopping due to undervoltage (LV)4 Torque polarity detection (B/D)5 Torque limiting (TL)6 Restart after momentary power failure (IPF)7 Overload - early warning (OLI)8 Keypad panel operation (KP)9 Drive stopping (STP)10 Ready for operation (RDY)11 Switching between line and drive (SW88)12 Switching between line and drive (SW52-2)13 Switching between line and drive (SW52-1)14 Motor 2 switching (SWM2)15 Terminal AX function (AX)16 Pattern operation stage change (TU)17 Pattern operation cycle operation completed (TO)18 Pattern operation stage number (STG1)19 Pattern operation stage number (STG2)20 Pattern operation stage number (STG4)21 Alarm detail (AL1)22 Alarm detail (AL2)23 Alarm detail (AL4)24 Alarm detail (AL8)25 Cooling fan operating (FAN)26 Retry function operating (TRY)27 Universal DO (U-DO) *28 Heat sink overheat - early warning (OH)29 Synchronization completed by synchronous operationcard (SY) *30 unused31 2nd Freq. level detection (FDT2)32 2nd OL level early warning (OL2)33 Terminal C1 off signal (C1OFF)Note: For output signals marked *, refer to instructionmanuals for RTU communication and the synchronousoperation card.