5-39H22 PID control (P-gain)H23 PID control (I-gain)H24 PID control (D-gain)These functions are not generally used alone but arecombined like P control, PI control, PD control, and PIDcontrol.P-gain operationAn operation using an output frequency proportional todeviation is called P operation, which outputs anoperation amount proportional to deviation, though itcannot eliminate deviation alone.H 2 2 P – G A I NSetting range: 0.01 to 10.0 timesP (gain) is the parameter that determines the responselevel for the deviation of P operation. Although anincrease in gain speeds up response, an excessive gaincauses vibration, and a decrease in gain delays re-sponse.I-gain operationAn operation where the change speed of the outputfrequency is proportional to the deviation is called an Ioperation. An I operation outputs an operation amount asthe integral of deviation and, therefore, has the effect ofmatching the feedback control amount to the target value(e.g., set frequency), though it deteriorates response forsignificant changes in deviation.