5-42H30 Serial link (Function select)H 3 0 L I N K F U N CSetting range: 0 to 3The link function (communication) provides a standardRS485 serial interface and optional fieldbus connections.The serial link function includes:1) Monitoring (data monitoring, function data check)2) Frequency setting3) Operation command (FWD, REV, and other com-mands for digital input)4) Write function dataCommunication can be enabled and disabled by a digitalinput. This function sets the serial link function whencommunication is enabled.Frequency OperationCommand Command0 Disabled Disabled1 Enabled Disabled2 Disabled Enabled3 Enabled EnabledValueThe data monitoring and write functions are alwaysenabled. Disabling communication by a digital inputproduces the same results as if this function were set to 0.If the bus option is installed, this setting selects the busfunction, and the RS485 interface is restricted to monitor-ing and writing function data. If the bus option is notinstalled, this setting selects the RS485 function.H31 RS485 (Address)H39 RS485 (Response interval)These functions set the conditions for RS485 RTU serialcommunication. Set the conditions according to the hostdevice.H 3 1 A D D R E S SSetting range: 1 to 247This function sets the station address of RTU.Maximum connected devices is 31 for an RS-485 network.H 3 2 M O D E O N E RSetting range: 0 to 3These functions configure the drive behavior in the eventof a communication error.Value Processing at Communication Error0 Immediate Er 8 trip (forced stop)1Continue operation within timer time, Er 8 trip aftertime expires2Continue operation and retry within timer time, theninvoke an Er 8 trip if a communication error occurs.If an error does not occur, continue operation.3 Continue operation.H 3 3 T I M E RSetting range: 0 to 60.0 sec.This function sets the error processing timer value.H 3 4 B A U D R A T ESetting range: 0 to 3This function sets the baud rate.Value Baud Rate0 19200 bits/s1 9600 bits/s2 4800 bits/s3 2400 bits/sH 3 5 L E N G T HThis function sets data length.Value Data Length0 8 bit.H 3 6 P A R I T YThis function sets the parity bitValue Parity Bit0 None1 Even2 Odd.H 3 7 S T O P B I T SThis function sets the stop bitValue Stop Bit0 2 bits1 1 bitThe stop bit is automatically configured by the value of theparity bit. For parity “NONE” the stop bit is 2 bits. Forparity “EVEN” or “ODD” the stop bit is 1 bit.