Critical PowerModifications reserved Page 138/146GE_UPS_OPM_TLE_SCE_M60_M80_1GB_V020.docx User Manual TLE Series 600 & 800 CE S19.2.1 Connector J1 – RJ45 8P8CFig. 9.2.1-1 Connector J1 – RJ45 8P8CTotal remote management of the system using softwareGE iUPSGuard, GE Data Protection or GE Service Softwarefor system protection and management of the UPSsystems.Fig. 9.2.1-2 RJ45 –RS232 adaptation cableTLE Series 600 & 800 is supplied with anadaptation cable for a serial port RS232 /sub DB9 connection.Fig. 9.2.1-3 Connector J1 to PC with RJ45 –RS232 adaptation cableThe connector J1 – RJ45 is enabled onall the units of the Parallel System.9.2.2 X1 terminal block - Output signals on voltage-free contactsThe Customer Interface board provides 6 voltage free relay contacts giving some UPS critical alarmsand operation mode.These signals are available on terminal blocks X1. Max. rating terminals: 1mm2.The meaning of the alarms on the free contacts in standard configuration (default) is the following:X1 / 1, 2, 3 (NO, C, NC) MAINS FAILURE (def. Parameter RL=1)X1 / 4, 5, 6 (NO, C, NC) LOAD ON INVERTER (def. Parameter RL=3)X1 / 7, 8, 9 (NO, C, NC) STOP OPERATION (def. Parameter RL=5)X1 / 12, 13, 14 (NO, C, NC) LOAD ON MAINS (def. Parameter RL=2)X1 / 15, 16, 17 (NO, C, NC) GENERAL ALARM (def. Parameter RL=4)X1 / 18, 19, 20 (NO, C, NC) BUZZER (ACOUSTIC ALARM) (def. Parameter RL=6)In case different alarms or operating status are required, they can be configured on the same terminalsvia software from the control panel.The configuration can be changed in parameters mode by a trained operator using the appropriatepassword.NOTE !The programmable signals on X1 will be disabled with Q1 open, with the exception ofthe signals for “16 - MANUAL BYPASS ON” and “26 – EMERGENCY ON (EPO)”.9.2.3 X1 terminal block - Programmable input free contactsSome programmable UPS functions (indicated in Section 9.2), can be activated by closing an externalcontact, if connected, on:X1 / 10, 21 User Input 1 (default = Not used)X1 / 11, 22 User Input 2 (default = GENERATOR ON)CNT_Connectivity rack_J1-RJ45_0116154191817 2098765141312321 22112110J1 - RJ45SNMP cardCustomer interface691523478CNT_Cable RJ45-RS232_0181J1 - RJ45J1 - RS232