Critical PowerModifications reserved Page 35/146GE_UPS_OPM_TLE_SCE_M60_M80_1GB_V020.docx User Manual TLE Series 600 & 800 CE S15.5 VENTILATION AND COOLINGFig. 5.5-1 Installation on plain floor Fig. 5.5-2 Installation on raised floorThe heat produced by the UPS is transferred to the environment by its ventilation.Air inlets for UPS ventilation are located on the front of the UPS, while air outlets are on top of thecabinet.A suitable ventilation or cooling system must be installed to extract the heat from the UPS room.NOTE !Do not put anything on the top of the cabinet.Air filtering systems could be required when the UPS operates in a dirty environment.In order to prevent overheating of the UPS, the available air intake flow rate must exceed the total airexhaust flow rate requirement of the UPS system.Contact your Dealer or the nearest Service Centre for appropriate solutions.The below table indicates the heat dissipation at full Load at PF = 0.9 & 1 and charged Battery, up to1000 m (3280 ft) altitude, for cooling air 25°C (77°F) to 30°C (86°F).UPS modelLosses Cooling air flowVFI eBoost™ (option) VFIPF = 0.9 PF = 1 PF = 0.9 PF = 1 PF = 0.9 PF = 1TLE Series 600 20.7 kW 24.3 kW 6.5 kW 7.3 kW 6003 m3/h 7047 m3/hTLE Series 800 27.7 kW 32.5 kW 8.7 kW 9.7 kW 8033 m3/h 9425 m3/hNOTE !Even when eBoost™ Operating Mode option is available, the ventilation and coolingsystem shall be rated as for operation in VFI mode.Air ExtractionAir IntakeTLES_600-800_S1_UPS ventilation_Raised floor_01GBAir IntakeTLES_600-800_S1_UPS ventilation_Raised floor_01GBAir Extraction