Critical PowerModifications reserved Page 82/146GE_UPS_OPM_TLE_SCE_M60_M80_1GB_V020.docx User Manual TLE Series 600 & 800 CE S17.3.1 Events (alarms and messages)Each of the following listed events, alarm or message, can be displayed on the LCD screen, on a PC withthe software “GE Data Protection” installed or with the monitoring system “GE iUPSGuard”.Alarms and Messages are differently specified because the alarms are indicating an abnormalfunctioning of the UPS (which are additionally signalled with the LED ALARM and acoustically with thebuzzer), while the messages indicate the various states of operation of the UPS (stored in the events list,but not activating the LED ALARM and the acoustical alarm).7.3.2 Alarms listCode Alarm Description4000 SETUP VALUES LOSTParameters are lost and have been replaced withdefault values.Please call nearest Service Centre for intervention.4001 REGULATION BOARD FAILUREA blocked DSP on the Control board causes thisalarm, and consequently the shut-down of Rectifierand inverter and the opening of K3.4004 UPS FAILURE ON PARALLEL SYSTEMThe master unit detected the slave unit missing onthe communication bus even though switch Q1 isstill closed.4006 BUS JA CRC FAILURE The parallel communication bus system is subjectto high errors rate on channel JA.4007 BUS JB CRC FAILURE The parallel communication bus system is subjectto high errors rate on channel JB.4008 BUS JA FAILURE There is an interruption in the channel JA of theparallel communication bus system.4009 BUS JB FAILURE There is an interruption in the channel JB of theparallel communication bus system.4010 CONNECTIVITY BUS FAILURE The connectivity communication bus is faulty orinterrupted.4100 RECTIFIER FUSES FAILUREThe u-switch mounted on the Rectifier input fusesindicates a blown fuse, and consequently it is shutdown.Clearance of this condition allows you to restartthe Rectifier.4102 K4 CLOSING FAILUREK4 not closed despite a closing command beingissued.Signalled by auxiliary contact. Rectifier cannotstart.4103 K4 OPENING FAILUREK4 not open despite an opening command beingissued.Signalled by auxiliary contact.Mains remains connected to Rectifier bridge.4104 BATTERY FUSES FAILUREThis function, when enabled on inputprogrammable relays (password required), warnsthe user about the external Battery Fuses failure orMCB opening, signalled by NO free contact.4105 RECTIFIER OVERTEMPERATURETemperature sensor indicates a situation ofovertemperature on the Rectifier bridge.Only the alarm is given.The Rectifier, when in an Off state, cannot start aslong as this condition persists.